Chapter 15: Deja Vu (Tiffany & Hayoung POV)

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Chapter 15: Deja Vu (Tiffany & Hayoung POV)

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(Tiffany POV)

This darkness...seemed so foreign to me. Never before had I experienced this since the SNSD black ocean almost seven years ago. But what made this experience worse was this uncanny...numb feeling. Sure having your head make heavy contact with the wall was not pleasant, but you certainly don't get that numb right after that.

Ok...maybe a little since the room was cold.

More than ever, I just wanted to go back...home. To my unnies and dongsaengs in SNSD. And most of all, to Stefan my brother. To think he got lucky during his kidnapped days...he was over-sheltered so that he wouldn't know the truth of his kidnapping. Whereas I had the full shock and horror of my kidnapping thrown in front of my face...quite painfully too.

For what must be the longest time, I could not bear to open my eyes for fear of witnessing a gruesome surrounding. They were sewn shut for goodness knows how long...

However I could not live on like that. I had to face the reality of my situation eventually, like it or not. At last, I forced my eyelids to separate.

No doubt, I was still surrounded by darkness. But now it was foreign to me. I was all alone; isolated and ignored. It's the kind of environment that could bring down any celebrity.

Would anyone know about my disappearance? Would anyone wonder what happened to me? In fact...would anyone find me?

"This...isn't fun..." I sobbed at last. I had not uttered a single word since being thrown into this hell hole.

"I-I-I didn't even do anything...why..." I struggled to form even a sentence.

Whatever, I was trapped here. And I really had a bad feeling about who orchestrated that. And knowing my brother, he would stop at nothing to try and get me out, especially since he would also know who kidnaped me.

But before anything else could cross my mind, the door burst open once again. It happened in such a flash, such that the only thing I remembered from that was a loud thud...indicating that someone else was thrown into the prison. But it was so dark I couldn't make out the person.

A momentary silence followed. Then a loud echo reverberated around the prison. Seemed like he or she punched the wall hard. Still it was enough to frighten me to the point I trembled uncontrollably, making a tapping sound with my feet.

"C-C-Cheogi..."  I spoke faintly. "Please don't hurt me...I...I don't know what's going on..."

Another pause.

"Can" the person responded back. The enclosed prison was big, so even the slightest sound was an echo. Somehow I had to know that person's identity...and fast.

"We need to trust each other..." I plucked up more courage to speak.

"Can I come a bit closer...I hate this lonely feeling..." she asked. In the very least I knew the person was a female.

I squinted a little towards the direction of the voice. An outline of a face was faintly visible in the darkness. Somehow...the features were...oddly familiar...

"Unnie...?!" she whisper-yelled. I immediately recognised the voice.

"Tasha!!" I cried.

She scurried over towards me and we embraced each other for what must be the longest time. It really felt pleasant to not be alone in this hell hole of a prison, but it felt even better to be with someone you knew well.

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