Chapter 27: Real Reasons (Tiffany & Yookyung POV)

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Chapter 27: Real Reasons (Tiffany & Yookyung POV)

A/N: This might be a long chapter. Be prepared. More answers revealed. I won't write a lengthy author's note here, but I will incorporate it into the backstory.

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(Tiffany POV)

"Fany!" I heard Stefan's voice. "Are you done getting ready? We're going to be late for the hearing!"

It had been around a week since Stefan's return and normality has pretty much returned to the family. Appa came back to Korea as soon as we felt it was safe for him to do so. He had missed us dearly and while in America, he also feared for our safety. With Stefan back without much incident, he could at last relax.

Now though, we were hurriedly preparing for a court hearing...well one of us was...and that was me...

"Ne!" I answered Stefan's call. "One minute!"

"You said that one minute ago..." Stefan complained as he now appeared by my bedroom door (yes we were at home, not in the SNSD dorm). He was dressed rather formally with a suit and red-coloured tie. Personally, I hoped he wore a pink tie...but I guess he was happy with red...

"You look pretty, now let's go. Don't fuss around with the make-up!" he carried on rushing me.

"Arasso!" I was a little frustrated now. Women love to look pretty okay!

Finally I was done, and we sat in Appa's car and headed to the location. Thanks to Stefan, I had to wear my heels in the car...

Oh were probably wondering what court hearing we were attending... Actually, we were attending the trial for none other than...Madam K!

Just four days prior, we received a call from the police that Madam K had regained consciousness and was deemed fit enough to stand trial. You know how court cases usually required the witnesses or victims to write a testimony of the accused's actions...well it came at the last minute for us.

But Stefan insisted to leave most of the talking to him. He knew all about her antics and they had been etched in his he said. Even so, I prepared a short paragraph to testify to the judge.

As we neared the courthouse, Appa suddenly pointed, "Oh look, we're already attracting attention!"

Sure enough, a huge crowd of fans were gathered near the entrance. We did not want the public to know that Madam K had kidnapped me and Tasha, so we requested for a private court hearing. But in this world of Kpop, news spreads fast, especially now that my brother was known to the public.

According to Stefan, Jinyoung, Becky and Nate would also turn up. Their siblings, however, were busy with comeback preparations or broadcasts. Mr Lee allowed me to have time off practice to attend the court hearing, that's why I was able to follow Stefan.

Luckily, the authorities took action and directed the crowd away from the entrance, allowing Appa, Stefan and I to walk into the building without interference. Once inside the building, we were still escorted by guards just in case.

When we entered the courtroom, we found the three others already seated and chatting away quietly.

"Mianhae! Sorry for keeping you waiting..." I apologised as soon as we finished greeting each other. "How did you guys get in before the crowd arrived?"

"We came very early, that's all. We half expected the crowd to come also..." Nate told us.

While we were light-heartedly joking about my pink-fetish, the judge brought our attention to the front. Because immediately after, in came Madam K; handcuffed and escorted by two policemen. She looked way more frail now and certainly had lost a lot of weight.

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