Long Lost Kpop Siblings Series - The Backstory

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Long Lost Kpop Siblings - The Backstory

A/N: This backstory contains spoilers to my other fanfics of the Long Lost Kpop Siblings series: 'MY Sister In SNSD' and 'The Assassin, My Twin?'. If you haven't already done so, I recommend reading them first before reading this backstory.

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(Part 1: The Idea)

As I look back into the beginning of the entire series, let me stress one thing first. Towards the second half of 2013, Kpop was just catching my attention and it had been just under three months since my first SNSD song was added into my music library. At the same time, it was just a year and five months since I first started using Wattpad.

A long time ago, when I had no followers (yes it is true), I had already tried experimenting with a concept story I wrote during 2011 about a reunion of twins. I posted two chapters of the twenty written chapters on Wattpad in the form of 'Broken & Reunited'. It failed to receive much attention so I eventually called it off.

But the theme of reuniting siblings still remained strong, eventually transferring itself to Kpop. But while non-Kpop stories were loaded with this genre, Kpop stories scarcely had the same genre. They were mostly one-shots or idol pairings (which were still quite good mind you). That said, 'My K-Pop Secret' by 99eunjee was my ideal Kpop story.

Then I wondered, if no one has really experimented on a long-lost siblings theme yet, why not I try it out? Just to test...I mean, hit or miss, why not?

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(Part 2: The Venture)

And thus, on November 30th 2013, I posted the preview for 'MY Sister In SNSD'. The capitalisation of 'My' was intentional. They stood for Tiffany's, and ultimately my OC Stefan's, Korean names (Mi Young and Mi Yang). The Mi Yang idea was inspired by Big Bang's Taeyang.

With the story, I hoped to capture the readers through a different perspective. This was not going to be another common story, but a new theme altogether.

I had chosen Tiffany because at the time, she was fluent in English. It would be easier for me to write when making transitions between Korean and English. As the story progressed, however, I gradually added more Korean terms into each sentence.

The chance meeting at the airport also raised the mysteriousness of the plot. You'd wonder whether Stefan was actually Tiffany's dongsaeng...and that perhaps he was kidnapped?

That said, my first attempt at a kidnap scene was, admittedly, not that good. My impression of kidnapping is through shootouts and physical abuse. But I guess making Tiffany injured was one way to stir up tension.

Same goes for the reunion scene. I could not write much about Stefan's first meeting with Tiffany knowing they were siblings. But the fact they were reunited shows a good conclusion to the entire matter. Following that was my first attempt at romance. The use of flashbacks was one way to stir up memories between Krystal and Stefan. I knew just SNSD was not going to be enough either, so I managed to collaborate the two SM groups together in the Singapore performance.

And as with most reunions, I wanted Stefan to reunite with his father. That was achieved and thus the story ended like so.

'MY Sister In SNSD' still remains as my most successful fanfic. In its really short writing period from November 30th 2013 to January 24th 2014, it had the highest increase number of reads (24,000+), votes (70-80) and comments (20-30). As of June 13th, it still had the highest vote count (1.3K) and comments (81). And also, across all the chapters, 69,000+ people were reading it. It has to be said though, the word count never went above 1,500.

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