Chapter 6: Got Something To Hide? (Tasha POV)

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Chapter 6: Got Something To Hide? (Tasha POV)

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As the boys were sharing their necessary information, Tiffany insisted that I followed her up to her room. Initially, I denied doing so, but it's already a privilege for someone like me, who is in a not so well known girl group, to be in the house of a member of Kpop's most prestigious girl group. So I might as well make the most out of it.

The house was HUGE. I'm not exaggerating. I don't know how many guest rooms I must have passed on the way up to Tiffany's room.

When we entered the room though, I could only be left staggered. It was the size of SKarf's dorm! My, wait till I tell Jenny this!

"Wanjun yeppuda unnie~!" I complimented.

"Kamsahabnida," Tiffany showed her classic eye smile.

But soon after, the mood changed. Tiffany motioned me to sit on the floor with her. If we were discussing serious stuff, I guessed that it might be Nick we would be talking about.

"I want you to be real honest with me," Tiffany looked at me straight in the face. "How can it be a Kpop idol like you, Tasha, know an ordinary person like Nate so quickly?"

Crap. Should I...

"Unnie, you probably won't understand..." I softened my voice. "I..."

"Tasha," she continued, "aren't you making your life risky? You and your members have been in Kpop for two years already. It's already a huge feat, but do you want rumours about you to start spreading?"

No, I thought. It's not like that. Nate is completely different. He is not just any random dude on the street...

"Unnie..." I was feeling uneasy.

"Sorry, but I am speaking from experience. I don't want anything to happen to you like what happened to EXO. You know what I mean right?" Tiffany pointed out.

Well who doesn't know? At that, I felt really sorry for both Baekhyun oppa and Taeyeon unnie. But still, Tiffany should know the whole reason for my actions.

"Unnie," I explained. "What I wanted to say is that Nate and I are possibly like you and Stefan. It's not that I like him that way."

Tiffany was confused. I could totally understand why.

"Actually, while we are on that," I asked. "How come the public does not know about your younger brother yet? I know you have an older brother, but not your younger brother, Stefan."

"It's complicated..." Tiffany said. "My appa told me through a letter, so I became determined to find Stefan. Prior to that, I had no knowledge that I had a younger brother."

"So I went to find him in Singapore, where the letter said I should go," she continued. "I coincidentally met him at the airport, and soon discovered, through the police, that he had been kidnapped for seventeen years! Now the public does not know...but I actually got injured when Stefan's captors shot me in the arm. I was just an innocent victim wondering if my dongsaeng will be alright."

I was left shocked when Tffany lifted her sleeve and showed me a scar on her right upper arm. A bullet wound.

"Omo...unnie is it painful?" I asked out of concern.

"It's a lot better after the surgery," she told me. "Don't worry, Stefan and the other members know."

Phew. It would have been really hard for her if she kept it a secret.

"I met him as soon as I woke up in the hospital and that's where we discovered we were siblings," Tiffany explained further. "I even made him the special guest at our SNSD tour in Singapore almost soon after we met. That's how he knew about the other members."

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