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R-18, Read at your own risk.

I can feel the secureness with the way he holds me around my waist, his right hand continuously massaging my waist while supporting our kiss using his left hand in the right side of my neck. I can feel the loneliness that he have been through thru his grips on me and those grips made me snake my arms at the back of his head and kissed him with the same ferocity of what he's giving me. 

I was still in the mood when he suddenly pushed me away, it's not harsh but it's light enough to push me away. I stared at him with confusion and he looked at me with the same face.

"Why did-"

"I promised myself to stop whenever the times like this comes." Treiton answered.

And then his shyness showed up, right in front of me and it was hella cute. I giggled because he is freaking blushing. This guy know every side, every bit of my body but still get shy for a kiss. I looked at him again and started to open my arms for him to come up to me and hug me himself.

"C'mon baby." I said to him while i have this innocent face

"Stop doing that, i ain't a baby." He said with a shy small smile.

"I know that you don't wanna miss this, aren't you?" 

He started to walk straight to me and hugged me. It was a very tight hug and i can say that i am warmed because of it. I felt the movement where he laid his head on my shoulders and kissed my shoulder. I was patting his back when he suddenly gripped my butt.

"hUHHHHH..." that made me gasp because i'm so shock.

"I missed you so much." he whispered.

And i've missed you too like crazy. Bumitaw ako sa pagkakayakap sakaniya at humawak sa kamay niya na parang bata na ayaw pakawalan ang magulang niya. He look confused but he then kissed my temple and started walking with me again,

We're just walking until we reach the end of the road which is where a bench is placed in front of the ocean. I don't know how did we sat here but one thing i knew now is that we are sitting right next to each other, I put my head on his shoulder and he rests his head on mine.

It's so quiet and the small waves coming from the ocean is the only thing that you can probably hear. 

"I don't want to get seperated from you anymore," i'm just listening to what he is trying to say " I don't know the feeling of being alone until you left me, and i must say that it was one of the worst thing that happened to me." He said.

"I know that this might ruin the mood between us right now but can you please assure me that i shouldn't have been mad at you?- like can you please tell me why did i find it out like that?" i asked.

"I will not say anything if you're not going to listen to the whole story." he stated with a laugh.

I pinched his thigh because of that then i felt that he kissed the top of my head.

"I didn't know that you are the grand daughter of Mr. Guevarra, you're Lolo is one of the known member in the Verdejo Group of Companies for like 30 years and because of that long journey with him, Mom and Dad is afraid to confront him with anything that he wants especially when it's about business and the company because we believed that he knows what's right when it comes to things like that." he paused and checked on me.

Dangerous Art of Beauty (Burnt Skies Series #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon