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People used to being an ordinary person but for me i wanted to be different , i wanted to do things that only me can do but hell in the world is that possible right? Fuck me. 


there's this one person who just know me for uhm , i think 6 months now i guess?. He really doesn't shows the idea of him caring about me but he shows it through saying some comforting words you know. I know that many of you might think that it's just normal for your friends to comfort you but it's not. First of all he's not my friend for fucksake, he's not even my boyfriend or my husband but he knows me and i don't know why. 

The idea of him makes me feel that i'm so much stronger than whatever it is that i am fighting. It's like he always know the words that i needed to hear everytime i'm down on my knees. And that man is Treiton but here this time, i really wanna punch him in his face...

"Why are we even here!?" he rolled his eyes.

"Why are you whining like a kid!?" i asked back to him, saw him shut because of the savageness i just thrown. 

He pouted his lips, "I'm bored in here Prim let's go." he said

" Well , i am too Treiton Zen." i whispered back to him. 

" Let's just leave them be , my goodness. " he said , he sounded so irritated na gosh. 

" You know Auntie and your mom wouldn't like the idea dude." i rolled my eyes at him.

He holds my arm like a kid and cling to me like there's no tomorrow. I let him dahil mas pipiliin ko na lang ito kesa ang magngangawa na naman siya tulad kanina. Naiistress na nga ako tapos aangal pa siya sa akin , edi parehas kaming nawalan ng energy para magbantay sa mga batang ito. 

So here's the thing nga. I visited Aunt Melissa's house to give her some cookies dahil wala si Zahra sa condo so wala akong mapagbibigyan para iabot kay Aunt Melissa. I had no choice but to come over her house.

 Pagdating ko sa house ni Aunt Melissa ay nakita kong nandoon si Treiton , sitting in the sofa while holding a pink cloth thing and that thing is a...baby.

"You didn't tell me that you have a daughter!" i shouted at him, my shout surprised the baby so she cried like she's fucking using a microphone.

"What the fuck Primrose? She just fell asleep for godsake." he said back to me

HUh?! did he just ignored what i said? ," Hey fucker , you didn't tell me that you've had a daughter!" i shouted again while the baby's still crying af. 

I saw him smirked , " Babe you're not even pregnant." he said while staring at me. 

I raised my middle finger at him , "Fuck off." i said. 

NIlagay ko ang box na may cookies sa center table and sit beside him. I looked at the baby when she thankfully stopped crying. Her face looks so soft that i can't help myself but to touch it. I caressed her left cheeks and it feels like a soft pillow. I can't help but to show a small smile. 

Treiton kissed the side of my head ," I think she likes you." he whispered. 

He gave the baby to me and placed her in my arms. The baby smiled when i played with her eyelashes , her eyes is a pair of hazel brown eyes. I felt Treiton put his head on my shoulder while he plays with the baby, i didn't bother to push him away because for a second , i felt that i have a family of my own. 

Dangerous Art of Beauty (Burnt Skies Series #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon