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Kanina pa ako nakaupo dito sa VIP seat, at masasabi kong walang kwento ang ipinunta ko dito sa United Kingdom. The National Restaurant Awards 2030 is being held today, and one of the candidates is my restaurant. I shoul've just sent some of my employees in here. What a fucking event.

Later on , the awardings started. I'm calm and doesn't give a fuck. I'm so sick of sitting in here , like now,some bitch is approaching to me with a big smile on her face. Lol , isa siya sa mga nagbalak kalabanin ang restaurant ko. I'm so sick of smiling. 

" Hello Ms. Guevarra, i heard your owned restaurant's one of the candidate. " she said while shaking my hand. 

Obviously darling , are you stupid? , " You think so?" i asked with a big smile on my face. I quickly take back my hand. 

I saw how her face turned into a face with a dsigusting face. This bitch. 

" Do you think your restaurant is going to be the winner this year? " she asked with a bitterness in her voice. 

"Of course , My family's been this way for over years so it's not that hard for me to achieve the same thing Ms. Real. " i stated with my chin up.

She nodded and seat beside me. I rolled my eyes as soon as she look somewhere else. Plastics are everywhere , grabe hanggang dito sa UK meron. I can see some familiar faces in this hall , obviously my enemies. I really don't care even if my resto wins this shit 'cuz i already know that my resto's good , like duh. I'm a trained chef for fuck sake. 

Everyone clapped when the master of the ceremony starts saying the top 3 restaurants. I also clapped , but not because i'm happy for them , just because gusto ko lang makipalakpak. What a boring awardings. Now , the MC's already called those 3rd place and 2nd place. 

" The 1st place goes to... Restaurantiva! Calling for Ms. Real for the award. Congratulations!" The MC called for the bitch beside me. 

I clapped my hands like what everyone does , she looked at me like i'm a big loser. Looks like she don't know how to hide her insecurities, what a pity one. I smiled at her but never congratulated her. She smiled while accepting the awards for her restaurant , not on my watched. 

After receiving the awards , she returned to her seats. She probably noticed that i'm not congratulating her for winning the 1st place. She suddenly talked to me. 

" Are you not going to congratulate me , Ms Guevarra? " she bravely asked. What a thiccface hahaha. 

" The Winner goes to ... Queen's Taste ! Calling for Ms. Guevarra to receive the awards and take pictures for winning this years National Restaurant Awards!." The MC announced my victory.

I looked at Ms. Real , she looked so pissed right now. I love the face of losers like her. She look like a fish that i wanted to cook for some customers. I made my face closer to hers befire whispering that made her rolled her eyes. 

" Congratulations for winning the 1st place , loser. " i winked before leaving my seat to go up on stage and receive the awards. 

After receiving the awards , i droved to my own restaurant to display the trophy on the shelves there, for the customers to see. I want my customers to know how great their restaurant choice when it comes to fancy foods they wanted to eat. 

Some employees of mine greeted me for winning our restaurant again. We won last year and then now , we won again. They clapped their hands along with the customers who's eating right now. I wonder how they knew until i saw our big screen on, oh that awarding is live pala? . Good thing. I slightly bowed my head as a sign of thanks , that's enough for them to stop clapping right...whatever. 

Dangerous Art of Beauty (Burnt Skies Series #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon