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It's Tuesday morning and naghahanda ako para mamaya dahil inako ko muna ang pagluluto sa restaurant ko since naghahanap pa ako ng limang dadagdag na chef for my new opened restaurant. I wear my chef coat and tied my hair in a bun. I put on a hairnet and wear the black apron. I'm on my way to the kitchen when i heard my phone ringing. 

Unknown Number... sino naman kaya toh?

I accept it , " Who's this?" i asked while i'm looking at myself in the mirror. 

" It should be 'Hello' Prim not 'Who's this' ...btw i'm going to help in the restaurant for the mean time since i'm just waiting for our wine to come. " after that the line went dead. 

I stared at my phone for a few seconds and saved Treiton's number. Wait? how did he know my phone number? ...maybe because of Mira. 

 " Itong si Treiton hindi na alam kung paano sisirain ang araw ko." i rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen. 

My workers are all busy so i didn't bother to make them greet me a goodmorning, i look at the pending orders from the ipad and make it all by myself. I'm chopping vegetables when someone suddenly kissed the side of my head. I was surprised so i look at the man who did it , the anger inside me starts to burn when i saw Treiton wearing his hair net. I glared at him for a second and he fucking winked at me.

" You're so disgusting..." i rolled my eyes at him and focused myself again with chopping carrots. 

He got a knife and stand beside me to help me chopped the vegetables, i'm actually waiting for him to talk dahil super talkative na niya when he's with me. Like he's super daldal to the point na i pretend na lang na i'm listening , pero sometimes hindi siya ganon.

Like today , he's working silently and he's serious with what he's doing so i didn't talked to him either dahil parehas kaming busy. Treiton need to mashed some potatoes so he's a bit far from me now. Jilian suddenly approached me , my employee.

" Ma'am , jowa niyo po ba si Sir Treiton? " she quietly asked me , it's like a whisper na nga e. 

I made a disgusted face infront of her , " Hell , no." i answered. 

" E ma'am bat hinalikan ka sa ulo kanina? " she asked again. 

I put down the knife loudly that made the chef's look at me , even Treiton.

" Shouldn't you be working right now? ," i picked up the knife and point it at the chopping board " Stop envading my privacy okay? i don't like it like that Jilian." i said to her with a dark face and scary glare.

She slightly low her head down , " Sorry po ma'am." she apologized. 

I ignored her and focused myself back again with the vegetables. After i'm done with the side dishes , i planned to do more mashed potato because it's the best side dishes that people love ordering. I'm peeling some potatoes when Treiton suddenly showed up beside me at inagaw ang patatas na hawak ko. 

I creased my forehead , "What are you doing?" i asked. 

"Helping you , obviously. " he rolled his eyes while answering me. 

This jerk , " Akin na iyan.." sinubukan kong agawin iyon sa kaniya pero pinipigilan niya ako gamit ang kanang braso niya. 

" Chop the parsley instead. " he asked me to do the thing that seems more easier than peeling potatoes lol. 

I poked his side stomach and that made him tickled , " Wow , sweet~" i said. 

" I'm not being sweet fucker." he teased me. 

Dangerous Art of Beauty (Burnt Skies Series #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon