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R-18, Read at your own risk.

After what happened, i just found myself being dragged by Treiton to his car. I feel kinda bad for Jack because of what Treiton showed to him. Sino ba namang magpapakilala tapos ang titig sayo para kang papatayin ng wala sa oras. Why am i even smiling while he's dragging me, and add lang ha...ang higpit kaya ng hawak niya sa papulsuhan ko ngayon.

"Teka nga...teka oi!.." i said while getting my arm back. "Bakit ka ba nagtotopak ha?" i crossed my arms infront of my chest and stared at him seriously.

"You're really asking me why?" he asked with an irritated voice.

"Yes Treiton Zen, that's why i'm basically asking you right now to know what's the problem is." sabi ko habang inaayos ko ang buhok ko na medyo nagulo dahil sa bilis ng paghatak niya sa akin papunta ditong parking lot.

"Do you really not know?" he closed the distance between us after asking that question.

I can feel his anger through his eyes and i can feel the warmth of his irritation through his presence, i'm basically scared lol. But no matter how scared i am right now, i still looked straight into his eyes. Wait?! it's so dumb of me to realize this just now!..

"By any chance uhm...are you..a-are you jealous? of Jack?," i hesitated dahil baka mapahiya ako "You know just asking lang ha, hindi sa feelingera ako peroー"

"Yes i am Primrose, it's funny how you left the condo without even waiting me and talk about the misunderstanding and yet i saw you giggling with that guy Jack. I tried catching your attention but you're ignoring me for purpose. Look with this situationー"

"HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! you freaking jealous douchebag, bat ka magseselos doon e pagfocus nga sa meeting hindi niya magawa ng maayos...but he is indeed handsome so may point ka sa pag-iinarte moー"

"Babe i'm serious, stop making this like a fun discussion will you?" he irritatetably asked.

I felt the veins on my neck just popped from highblood because of this dramatic man infront of me. I got annoyed because of what he said that i'm not being serious with this situation,which is not true. I hardly clenched my jaw for him to saw a sign that i'm pissed. I looked at him in a dark way. I moved my face closer to his and that made him stopped.

"We didn't fuck babe, stop overreacting like i'm going to marry him tomorrow. " i stopped for a moment for him to calm down because he look so afraid when i'm talking. "And also love, stop being mad na, please?" i changed my aura by smiling at him sweetly.

"You hungry?" he suddenly asked with an awkward smirked, there everything's already fine again.

I nodded at him, "Where d'you taking me?" i asked innocently but he replied differently.

"I'm gonna take you anywhere where nobody can see the both of us naked, baby." he said before kissing my right cheek.

I slightly punched his side-waist for him to feel embarassed of what he just said and that shit makes him laugh and it makes me laugh to because he's laugh is too precious to resist. I really like it when he's being playful, sana walang magbago.

He opened the shotgun's door for me to go inside. Pagkapasok ko ay pumunta na agad siya sa driver's seat at nilock ang kotse and then he starts driving. Habanf nasa biyahe ay nagpatugtog ako ng musics dahil baka mamaya ay kung saang malayo na naman niya ako dalhin para lang kumain. 

Dangerous Art of Beauty (Burnt Skies Series #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon