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R-18 Read at your own risk.

I'm kissing him hard , we just only stopped when we're both out of breath. He pinned me to the wall beside the mirror and stared at my face. He massage my breast with my clothes still on. He put my hair aside to kiss my neck. I held the back of his head for more access.

" Great?" my voice isn't that strong anymore because of what he's doing. 

He grab my ass and faced me , " Yeah , like hell." he answered with his husky voice before kissing my neck again.

I pushed him after i let out a moan, i saw the questionable look on his eyes when i pushed him to stop from what he's doing. I ignored him by fixing my dress...Gosh , if i didn't control myself ay hindi na ako virgin ngayon kaloka. I looked up at his face to see his reaction. He's just standing there , looking at me with disbelief. 

" Hahahahahaha!" i laughed at him , he's so funny. "Now that's what you call 'Prim playing'." 

" Oh? you are playing?" he asked while smiling , " I thought you're pleasured 'cuz you moan just now baby." he continued. 

"Huh! i bet you're not gonna kiss me anymore when you heard that it's just me playing. " i scoffed , changing the topic. I'm so embarassed , this stupid fucking mouth. 

I saw him took something from his suit , it's a black handkerchief. He faced the mirror and wipe the lipstick stain on his lips because of our kiss earlier. I let out a small laugh which causes him to look at me while wiping his lips. 

"Why?" he asked.

I snatched the handkerchief from his hand and made me do it myself. 

"Nakaharap ka na nga sa mirror hindi mo parin natatanggal yung dapat mong tanggalin. " i said while wiping his lips. I noticed that the lipstick stain is just spreading more so i sprinkled a little amount of water on it and wiped his lips again. 

He suddenly held my waist  ," Then you should've just don't wear lipstick anymore." he said. 

I didn't hear the words he just said 'cuz i was too shocked with his hands hugging my waist. I can feel his bulge, is he fucking big? gosh buti na lang hindi kami natuloy kanina kung hindi ay hindi ako makapag-walk. Anyways , i'm shocked pero hindi ko iyon pinakita sa kaniya , i might have stopped for a second but i smile like i'm not feeling any hotness right now.

" There. " i said after cleaning his lips. 

I'm waiting for him to let my waist go but he's not even moving. He took the handkerchief on my hand and held my neck. He started wiping my lips too. 

" I hope you have an extra lipstick on your purse." he said while wiping my lips. 

O-my-gosh...I think i'm blushing right now. " Ahh- yes ofcourse i do. " i said even though i think i'm already out of breath. 

While wiping my lips , i can't help but to stare at his face , he's so damn handsome. Have i told him that? oh shit? did i just complimented him on my mind? what the? Erin focus! he's your enemy for fucksake. 

" Don't fall , i'm not gonna catch someone like you." he whispered. 

I rolled my eyes and say , " I think i should be the one who's saying that right now base on your stares." 

" You think so?," he asked before keeping his handkerchief on his suit.

"Yeah , anyways...we should go outside na." i said , pushing him away dahil super lapit ng body niya sa akin. 

Dangerous Art of Beauty (Burnt Skies Series #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon