25: "Curtis."

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Fools in Love - Inara George

(Mistakes I'll check in the morning)



"Is this really happening right now? You're going to make me beg you to come over here?"

Amy sighed heavily. "Hi Chelsea, Merry Christmas to you too, how's your day going?"

Her friend ignored the question just like Amy had avoided hers. "I have seen you three times in the past week I've been here. It's like you and Evie are a divorced couple and you only get me every two days. How long will this go on for? And on top of that I only just hear you and John are taking a break..."

Her sister Morgan, who'd arrived no more than two days ago, looked up from her seat on the floor beside the Christmas tree with Matty and smiled sadly. Chelsea wasn't exactly quiet over the other line of the phone.

Apparently two weeks ago when John had said, 'You need time and space' she didn't realise he actually meant, 'I'll be disappearing for two weeks without as much as a text message or a phone call.'

On the Thursday after she found out, she tried calling but it'd gone straight to voicemail. Just as she'd agreed with herself she went to his house on the Friday in the afternoon but he wasn't there. She tried again Saturday morning but he still wasn't there. 

She'd gone to the gym on Monday and Jeb, the colourful man she met those many months ago, told her he'd signed off and would be back as soon as. 

His phone went straight to voicemail every time she tried. By the end of the first week and the end of the college semester, thank god because her concentration had gone straight out the window after her few exams... She'd gone to Michael.

It was the first time she'd seen him as vampire Michael. They met at the cafe around midday last Monday. 

And the first thing he'd said to her was, "Are you scared of me?" 

She'd actually laughed at him and replied, "Should I be?"

"Not unless you think I'd hurt you."

"I know you won't hurt me." She'd smiled at his beaming face and went ahead to ask him about John.

He'd sighed and shook his head. "When John disappears I don't ever know where he goes. He only told me you needed time."

Her heart had clenched and her voice had wavered. "A week is long enough don't you think?"

After her meeting with Michael her heart started to break with each passing day. Micah spent almost every day of last week with her apart from the few days Chelsea had come over. She wasn't alone at all. She'd even seen Nate. Granted, it'd been by accident and they shared a few sordid details about their week but they still talked.

What she couldn't understand was why he... Left. It only took her nine hours to realise she wanted John whether he were a vampire, a werewolf or whatever other mythical creatures existed in this world. 

And yet the bastard was still gone.

"Chels-" Amy interrupted her babbling.

"Whatever the hell your argument with Evie is, forget it and come over. Marie's expecting you, Morgan, Matty and Jen at 5 for Christmas dinner. Don't be late."

"We won't. I promise." She mumbled. "And Evie and I have been talking you know."

"Barely," Chelsea scoffed. "It's more like hello, how are you and goodbye."

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