1: Hello Again

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 Cast is up!!! (2023 note: don't think casts are a thing anymore are they...?)


Hope it's all good :D!! SONG FOR THIS CHAPTER IS Taper Jean Girl - Kings of Leon!


As Amy stepped off the plane, she almost fell to the ground and kissed the floor. She'd endured five hours of a thirteen year old girl talking non-stop beside her about how she wanted to be a model one day and how she was going to go on America's Next Top Model to show Tyra Banks what she was made of. What has society done to the younger generation?

Getting the Visa a few months ago had been easier than she thought. It was packing all of her stuff and getting it shipped out to her cousin's house which was hard. She didn't know what she needed and what she wanted. And what prolonged the packing was the three week holiday to Florida her parents sprung on her for a goodbye present which she technically got back from forty-eight hours ago. So packing was manic. But she'd managed to pack her dorm room, her room and almost Chelsea if she didn't see the blonde hair sticking out of one of her large boxes.

And here she was, at Vancouver airport tanned, the freckles on her nose even more prominent than ever now, her glasses tucked in the V of her white t-shirt underneath her burgundy zip up hoodie and her black backpack slinging from one shoulder as she went through immigration. She ran a hand through her hair completely exhausted from the journey. It was barely six-thirty in the morning. All she needed was a long hot bath and sleep. And hopefully, the ride from the airport to Matty's house wasn't too long; she couldn't stand another long journey sitting down.

A nice man, the single father to the thirteen year old that sat beside her, helped Amy with the three large suitcases filled with only half of her wardrobe onto a cart and wished her well. She appreciated the help because she would have died if she tried to lift those heavy things. 

As she walked into arrivals the warm air brushed through the electric doors across the large airport. Evie had warned her, the weather was warm this time of year so she dressed lightly. Which reminded her; she needed to text her best friend she was here. 

But that left her mind when she spotted her twenty-three year old cousin grinning at her. He was a tall, muscled guy, which he had to be if he was a trainer for the famous hockey team. His ruffled short brown hair shot out from all directions when the breeze hit it.

"Come give your big old cousin a hug."

She grinned crookedly like it was Christmas day and wrapped her arms around his broad waist. "I've missed you so much, Matty."

"I've missed you too! You look tanned; the trip to Florida was good for you."

"Yes, it was. I was surprised but it was a great goodbye." She pulled back to give him a kiss on his stubble cheek. "How are you anyway, I haven't seen you since last Christmas."

"I'm fine," He said as he took the cart from her. "I haven't been doing much since the hockey season ended. The athletes are taking a bit of a break until training in a few weeks. So I'm all yours until the end of August." 

"And then what, do I not see you at all after that?"

"Aw, are you sad you won't see me?" His arm rested on her shoulders and pulled her into his side. "When the season starts up again it'll be hectic but I'll be around."

"Oh, Matty, I'm sorry if I've interrupted your routine."

"Nonsense! I've been missing someone to come home to! And now I have you for half a year."

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