23: Liar

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James Vincent McMorrow – Follow You Down To The Red Oak Tree

Eerie song... perfect for this chapter...


John groaned and growled. "Let me sleep."

"No, because you have to go to work."  He stretched upward, her lips pressing feather light kisses along his naked chest. He bathed in the attention. "You have twenty seconds."

"Before?" He murmured cracking an eye open.

A pair of large brown eyes stared at him from his stomach. "I... Ah..."

He chuckled and covered his eyes with his arm, her sigh fanning across his chest. "That's what I thought."

He was falling back to sleep when suddenly the cover was ripped from his waist and the curtains were drawn. Another groan passed his lips. Damned woman.

"Wake up John."


"Stop being an idiot." Her voice was on the other side of the room now. 

Finally he opened his eyes and blinked at the sight before him. Amy was standing at the foot of his bed in the grey t-shirt she'd practically ripped off him the night before when he'd gotten home from practise. She looked absolutely striking. The playful curve to her lips had him feeling slightly more awake; the sun glaring through the window made her long unruly brunette hair almost a caramel colour.

Two and a half weeks have passed since he told her what he could about his family. And every waking moment they spent it together. And has he found a way to tell her about himself? No. Because he was a coward.

"Get. Ready."

"Wait," He sat up. "Come and give me my kiss."

"No, do you know why?" She asked as she twisted her hair into a bun and walked to the side table. 

He opened his arms out to her anyway. "Tell me after a kiss." 

She leaned over and pecked his lips with barely any zeal. Not good enough. So he grabbed her by the t-shirt and pulled, causing her to land across his legs. 

Amy sighed heavily and sat up on top of his thighs. Her eyes stared right into his as she shifted forward, her chest pressed against his chest, her legs wrapped around his waist and her fingers diving into his hair. She covered his lips and he smiled triumphantly. He hasn't been able to keep his hands off her at all. She barely went home now because all he wanted to do was touch her, be with her. She didn't complain even a little bit.

And he loved how confident she was with him. He loved how she attacked him even when he least expected it. And he loved the banter. 

He loved her. But still he hasn't told her. So far he'd managed to say, 'I love the way you kiss me,' or 'I love your skin,' or something like that. Never the words I love you. 

Just say it, dammit...

As he went to deepen the kiss further, she yanked on his hair and stared down at him. "What I was going to say was every kiss we share never ends with just a kiss."

"I'm addicted to you-"

She tugged again and he growled, his body reacting to the way she pressed against him and the way her hands tugged and played with the hair on his neck. "Don't start."

"God, I love it when you're rough with me." He moaned. See? 

"John..." She whined. "You're going to be late."

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