21: Head Over Heels

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**Sexual content warning!**

Head Over Heels – Digital Daggers


Amy watched as John's fingers flew over the piano. The soft, sad rhythm settling next to her heart, doing exactly what John had asked her to do: understand.

Although the piece was simple, the piece itself was beautiful. Amy slowly sat beside him and watched as his fingers said what he couldn't. She watched the ripples of his muscles with each note, the way he fluttered his eyes closed every few hypnotising notes.

And then it was finished.

He was perfect. Perfect to her. Perfect for her.

It was quiet for a while. She didn't want to speak; she wanted him to look at her, to know he could trust her with anything and everything.

And then he did. "You may not be able to understand how I feel..."

"But I can see it," Her fingers grazed along his forearm. "I can feel it. Thank you John for trusting me."

He threw her a small smile and just like that the mood was lifted. She asked him to play her something else and he chuckled.

"Okay. This is by Chopin."

"What's it called?"

"It's one of his many Nocturnes'. This one is no. 9 on B major."

"Because I know what that means."

"YouTube it." He replied and she giggled before he started.

Compared to the piece he showed her a moment ago, this one was made for performance. He played as if he'd played it one thousand times over. The slight smile on his face as he watched his fingers, occasionally glancing at her and his smile widening. This John, the smiley, in a way shy John, had her grinning.

She didn't know how many songs she listened to but every few minutes, the song was different. The tone changed the mood changed but the smile stayed the same.

As he moved onto his next song an idea sprung into her mind. It was... An interesting idea. A sneaky one. But now she wanted to have fun.

"How about a task." She suggested when he paused.

"A task?"

"Mmhm. Do you know Chopsticks?"

His slow, mischievous smile showed that he knew exactly where she was going with this. "I may."

"Of course you do. How about," Amy stood. "You play Chopsticks for me. If you play it successfully I'll reward you." She smirked when the recognition of her words registered across his face.

"Alright. The whole song?"

"The whole song." She stood behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Go ahead."

As he started to play the correct chords, a hell of a lot more complex than when she was playing it, her fingers grazed along the back of his neck. She noticed his small shiver causing him to slow his playing. Although this was very unlike her she felt... Different all of a sudden. Now that almost everything was out in the open and the small little fact that she'd fallen head over heels in love with him was as clear as day in her mind she felt she could do... Anything.

She dipped her head, resting her cheek against his. "It might be impossible to distract you."

"Nothing is impossible." He replied casually.

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