Bloodstained Love Bite

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RIGHTY!! SO GUYS, Let me say if you haven't read Sink Into Me, you don't need to read it because I will be making references throughout. But if you want to understand parts of the story its recommended because as I go on I'll make references and you might be like, "whaaaaaaat.."

BUT As I have completed this novel and am planning on writing a third, reading SIM would be recommended




"Love bite  (ˈlʌvˌbaɪt):

hickeykiss marklove bite is a bruise or mark caused by the kissing or sucking of the skin, usually on the neck or arm. While biting might be part of giving a hickey, sucking is sufficient to burst superficial small blood vessels under the skin..."

At the age of twenty, you'd think a year and a half after starting college she'd be on time and ready to start her first period on a Monday morning. And yet Amy Butler burst into the lecture theatre half an hour late, barely wearing coordinating clothes and her glasses so low on her nose they could have fallen off if she didn't have her head angled correctly.

Her middle aged lecturer sent her a glare. "It's wonderful that you have graced us with your presence Miss Butler, but turning up late for a lecture you knew there was an experiment you would be partaking in doesn't help your final grade."

Kill me, she thought as she smiled shyly at the man and the class. "Yes, I know and I'm sorry I was-"

"It doesn't matter now. Sit beside your lab partner and catch up."

She was actually going to explain how she had been helping said lab partner late last night with the current lab notes. The nerve of Hannah, not even telling Chilton that she was going to be late! Last night, she told her she would probably miss the first ten minutes but missing half hour was bad even for her.

Hannah was avoiding Amy's stink eye as she started on the experiment. "And may I ask why you didn't tell him why I was going to be late?"

"I tried," Hannah whispered back. "But he honestly ignored me and told me to take a seat."

Amy wasn't having it. "Don't make up excuses, Hannah."

"Girls, if you'd like to take over this class then by all means, I wouldn't mind taking a nap for the next hour and a half. I'm sure Miss Butler could do this in her sleep." Chilton's eyes burned into them.

Amy ran a hand through her thick wavy brunette hair as a blush crept to her cheeks. "I-uh..."

"Hmm..." He grumbled before resuming. The wart, Amy thought.

Class progressed without anymore interruptions and Amy was more than glad that it was her only class for the day. She would have gladly spent the rest of her day researching places to do her work placement for the start of her third year. Because she had wowed the whole department of astronomy, dean of Columbia University AND NASA's Astrophysics Subcommittee in Washington D.C, Columbia felt like sharing the prodigy with the world. In other words, they wanted to flash her around and say to whatever University she chooses, 'We have her and you don't, HAHA!'

She didn't mind although, as shy and quiet as she was, she couldn't help loving the success she had since coming to Uni. She loved the idea of sharing her theories with other astrophysicists other than the ones from her Uni. Listening to the same old, same old was boring. That was until NASA released information that they will flight test a Disturbance Reduction System that will aid scientists in their quest to detect and measure gravitational waves in space.

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