2: Walmart in Distress

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Broken Heartbeats - Los Campesinos <3


"When are you starting classes?" Amy asked as she sat opposite Evie in Michael's kitchen. She wasn't adamant to come back here of course what with what happened two days ago in the same room. If anything, she suggested Evie drive to a cafe but after shopping all day at the mall, Evie came straight back here for a cup of coffee. Michael was out at the moment so coming back wasn't a problem.

She'd managed to unpack most of her belongings into her new room now. Matty had been more than helpful, her mother more than annoying, Evie more than glad to help her settle in. 

"End of August - beginning of September. When does work start for you?"

"Just before the end of August,"


She nodded and grinned. "I really am. I get to meet the professor I'm working with at a meeting next Friday, Lewis Benedict."

"Oh, he's one of the new ones right? Michael told me they cut a load of lecturers to hire new ones. The science department took a huge hit I hear."

"Yes, the head told me over the phone the other month."

"I hope he's nice." Evie said after a sip of her coffee. "I don't want you paired with some asshole."

Amy had only thought about that possibility once. The thought of having to spend six months with an arrogant professor had her shuddering with anxiety. "I'd hate that." 

"Well, if you are send him Michael's way. I'm sure he'd have a few choice words for him."

Amy smiled at her friend and shook her head.

"You talked to Chels lately?" Evie asked after a moment.

"Yesterday actually. She's sad we're together without her. She said she'd try coming down for Christmas."

"I miss the girl." She sighed and stared at the refrigerator behind Amy. "I'm glad you're here Ames."

"So am I." She grinned crookedly and sipped her creamy coffee. "Tell me more about t-"

The front door opened and a load of footsteps sounded through the hall. Amy had already mustered enough strength to handle the nightmare they called "John" before she left the house this morning. The thought of bumping into him in less than a week had her head hurting. The migraine she developed the other night hadn't just been from the abnormal amount of wine she'd consumed.

She silently thanked the heavens it was Michael and Samuel. Sam smiled politely at Amy and went around to Evie to wrap an arm around her neck. 

She rolled her eyes. "How lovely, Sam. Now, that's enough love get off."

He chuckled. "Alright fine. Hello Amy."

"Hi, Samuel." She smiled. "How are you?"

"I'm great, beautiful." He winked at her and she immediately looked away with a very unladylike snort.

"Down boy." Michael patted his shoulder. "Amy is a guest in this house, no harassing the guests." And then he pushed him out of the kitchen. Samuel only returned and Amy had a good look at the man. He was attractive, she could admit that.

He looked Hispanic with his head filled with thick black curly hair and his dark brown eyes. He grinned at her with a set of pearly whites and rubbed a hand over his unshaven five o'clock shadow.  And then she did the inevitable.

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