27: Season of the Witch

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Season of the Witch – Donovan

"Do you really think this is a good idea?"

"Well, if we want to try catching a glimpse of this hunter then we have to try." Michael mumbled under his breath.

"But did the girls have to come?" John stressed glancing over his shoulder at the booth filled with giggling girls. 

"Well, it was either take them with us or leave them to get drunk within my home." Michael chuckled.

John would have loved that ten times better than putting any of them in harm's way. He glanced over his shoulder one more time and caught the eye of the woman he'd forever love and lust for no matter how many times he takes her to bed. 

Her shy smile toward him made him smirk right back. Despite her sister and best friend being in the country until the third of January, they'd spent the three days after Christmas together. She'd spent the days with the girls but spent the nights with him which was good enough for him.

"They're talking about you." Mike broke into his thoughts. 

John expanded his hearing and started smiling as he stared down at the sticky bar table.

"...understand. Why?"

"Because it's none of your business." He heard Amy snap. "Can we not, please?"

"We're all intrigued." He recognised the voice belonging to Chelsea. 

"I don't think I am." Amy's sister injected.

"In a way I am," Evie said and John started to wonder what they could possibly be talking about. "But maybe now isn't the time."

"We're in a bar, we're drinking, and we're having fun. How is this not the time to talk about your sex life?"

Ah. Oh.

Michael started chuckling and John nudged his arm. 

"I wouldn't care if we were about to be sucked into a wormhole, I am not talking about this." Amy whispered. He knew her heartbeat well enough to know it was accelerating in embarrassment.

"Oh stop being a spoil sport, Ames. John is a beautiful man and I'd like to know whether his hands prove how big his-"

There was a slapping sounding and a small sharp cry before John turned around to watch Amy and Chelsea slapping each other's arms. 

"Is the hand thing true?" Michael asked him. 

He glanced down at his large hands and punched his own best friend in the arm. "Now that's none of your business is it?"

"Oh, come on. Is seventy years together not enough?" 

"I should drive a stake through your heart, Mike."

"Spare me of your empty threats." He chortled. "Enough of that. We are here to track any vampires that can tell us about this hunter."

"He hasn't done anything to us."


John glanced at Pam and Nick playing pool in the corner of the room before turning back. "What do you mean yet?"

"I mean, Katherine and Ana have been very jumpy the last few days but they're unsure why. They aren't seeing much."


"Either it's something big..."


Mikes green eyes sliced toward him before he gazed at Evie. "Or Nate's back."

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