6: Babbling

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Alex Turner - Hiding Tonight! <3


If he was grumpy last Friday, then today he must be downright cantankerous. 

John arrived an hour late to Michael's little, 'get together' after he convinced himself that it would maybe cheer him up. Last night he didn't get one wink of sleep. At around five in the morning he decided to go for a run. It didn't do any good to clear his head whatsoever. 

So here he was. Making his way around Michael's house, down the steps in his best dark blue jeans, white t-shirt and a thick burgundy cardigan. Plus a bottle of wine, an unshaven face and his bed hair.

Last summer, John and Nick helped Michael lay out a back patio for a barbecue and lawn chairs. It was a surprise for Evie after she screamed and saw a family of foxes wandering up the steps to the study. She almost jumped out of her skin. Now with the patio glass fences, Evie's always outside. But when has she ever been able to help her adventurous side and not take a bit of a stroll out in the woods?

He heard the voices and music and smelt the food before he saw it. He didn't know who was going to be here but he had a feeling. However, he was surprised when he saw Evie's parents and Katherine's parents and grandmother. Michael looked up from the barbecue and waved. Pam and Nick looked up with a smile as well as Evie. 

No sign of Amy. 

"Hey, John," Sam greeted with a slap to the shoulder.

John's jaw clenched but he smiled. "Hey, Samuel," He slapped his back with just a tad more force which caused him to stumble forward.

"Now, now," Anastasia, Katherine's grandmother scolded. "Behave yourselves. We don't want any dislocated shoulders... Again."

"That was once," He winked and engulfed the older woman into a hug after placing the wine on one of the tables. "How are you, Ana?"

She giggled and patted his shoulder. "Wonderful. But the real question is how are you?"

"I'm great," He smiled lovingly at her. Ana was almost his and Michael's mother. She practically raised them... To be good that is. 

She rolled her brown eyes and shook her head. "Everyone here can see you look exhausted. Penny for your thoughts?"

"I'm sure you already know them, mama," Kate's mom stood beside him and placed a hand on his arm. "You do look a little tired, are you well?"

"I'm fine, Susan," He lied easily. "Excuse me a moment,"

He started his walk over to Michael but Evie's parents waved him over. Last Christmas, Evie had graciously invited him over as well as Michael. To say the least, they loved him. And he very much adored them too. Especially her brother he was a great kid.

"Mr and Mrs O'Shea." He greeted with shakes of the hands. "It's good to see you again."

"And you," Marie smiled warmly at him. "How have you been?"

"Good, thank you."

"And how has Aaron been? Are you looking after him?" Arthur asked with a friendly smirk.

John smiled. "He's great; the team have taken to him immediately."

"That's excellent. We want him to settle into his first year like Evie had."

"Aaron will be fine mom," Evie strolled over with two plates, one with a steak and salad and another with a burger and potato salad. "John, Michael wants you."

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