30: The Gene

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And the final chapters begin!

Read note below!


"Class is dismissed for today. And welcome back everyone." Amy said to the class, aware of Lewis looking at her with a proud smile.

"You've blossomed wonderfully since your first day." He praised after the last student left the class.

Yes, college has started again.

It's been over a week since New Years and there have been no new developments with the hunter. She hasn't seen Micah since New Year's Eve because he's been with his parents, probably trying to locate that kid witch. Four days ago Amy said goodbye to Chels and Morgan. It wasn't as emotional for her as she would be seeing them in less than two months but to watch Evie say her goodbyes, she cried anyway. If I moved here it would be the same...

She shook the thought away and smiled. "Thank you, Lew."

"You're welcome. I have a meeting with Gerry now so if you'll excuse me."

They walked out of the class together into their office. "Oh, do I have to be there?"

"No, she wants to discuss this semester's schedule; I can brief you later. I'll be back before class starts I promise."

They said their goodbye's before he shut the door and left. Amy was absolutely exhausted already. She'd already taught two classes this morning and her mind and feet were killing her. Right now she would do anything to go home, lie down and get a foot massage. Maybe she could persuade John...

A smile curved her lips as she thought up many scenarios to persuade him to do so. It wouldn't exactly be difficult. Just the other night, she'd been feeling the pressure of her final semester at SFU and he'd offered her a massage. Of course she couldn't say no, could she?

"You spoil me." She had mumbled into the pillow as his warm skilful fingers dived endlessly into her the curves of her back.

He'd chuckled and replied, "Who else can I spoil?"

There was a knock on her office door and before she could reply, the man that paraded around her thoughts almost every minute of every day, entered her office wearing a navy suit and a smirk.

"I haven't seen you for four hours, is that too long for you?" She asked turning and leaning back on the table.

"Apparently, because I couldn't concentrate one bit in my meeting this morning." He shut the door behind him. "How were your first classes?"

"Exhausting," Amy ran a hand through her hair, the length of it surprising her. It'd really grown since she'd been here. "I want to go home and sleep." She groaned.

"You'll get to," He stopped in front of her and held her face within his palms. "These next six weeks will go in no time at all."

"I know but... I don't like thinking about it."

"Amy, you do realise I'll follow you wherever you go."

"That's what I'm afraid of. You have a life here just like I have a life in New York. We can't up and leave everything. Not yet."

His hands dropped to his sides. The look that registered across his face was, not frightening but very worrying. It looked like all emotion had drained from his face.

"What are you saying right now?"

"I'm not saying anything, John. I need to finish this last year of college and graduate and you can't... I can't..." She lifted her hands up and dropped them with a huff. "I've been looking around and there are a few astrophysics programmes around Vancouver. I can apply for a visa and maybe in a few years-"

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