13: Nocturnal

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 The song on the side is for the chapter! Chopin – Nocturne No. 7 in C sharp minor Op. 27, 1

Have a listen when the bit comes up


"Okay, that's a love bite isn't it?"

Amy choked on her drink but recovered quickly as she turned to Katherine. "What is?"

"That." Her slim fingers poked her neck. "You've covered it well."

Amy gulped and glanced around the half empty bar. They were sat in a corner in one of the large circular booths waiting for Harriet and Evie. She had no idea why she agreed to come to a bar on a Tuesday of all days but she needed to get the girls together to talk about what she wanted to do for her birthday on Friday. 

She couldn't believe it was her birthday so quickly. Soon it'll be Christmas, then it'll be Evie's birthday, then it'll be Jen's due date then she had to leave.

The thought of leaving felt so foreign to her now. She'd settled down so well here and the thought of leaving made her sad. John had nothing to do with that, she thought. At least that's what she kept telling herself. He called her on Monday and continued his endless taunting about her not joining the gym and she took it like a grown up... For about five minutes.

"Jonathan I swear to god-"

"Oh, I love it when you say my whole name. Say it again," He'd said to her in a seductive tone.

"Have I somehow unlocked your truly annoying self?"

"No. I've always been this way."

"Not to me."

"If you ask Evie she'll confirm it. Besides, wouldn't you hate it if I were boring like Michael?"

"Michael isn't boring!" She'd disagreed and that went on for another hour. 

"It's not a love bite." Amy insisted as Katherine started smiling. 

"You sure? Because I will get it out of you."

"Kate, it's not a love bite. Please just let it go, Evie and Harriet are coming..." She said when she spotted the girls with two others. "With... John. And Michael." 

"Oh, so it seems."

Her eyes skimmed over everyone and then settled on John. He trailed in behind everyone with his mischievous grin. She hasn't seen him face to face since Saturday and that little fact had her aching to be within his arms again. Only one real kiss was shared between them minus the peck at her doorstep and yet she felt as deprived as if she were a child taken away from her favourite toy. It amazed her how much attention both Michael and John were receiving but neither noticed. Mike only had eyes for Evie and John... Well at the moment he was staring at her. And it had her glancing warily at everyone to make sure they didn't notice. 

Harriet and Kate already knew each other from a few of Kate's forensic science classes Harriet helped in. So they got along easily. Harriet slid in beside Kate while Evie sat next to Harri and Michael beside Evie.

So that left John to sit on the other side of Amy. 

"Is there a reason why everyone is here...?" Amy finally asked after the table finished ordering their drinks.

"Not everyone," Kate said waving her hand in the air. Amy followed her gaze and watched as her brother strolled in. 

"Hello Samuel." She greeted.

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