26: Transatlanticism

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****I don't see a point in a sexual content warning anymore because it's rated R now anyway LOOOOL BUT HERE IS A CONTENT WARNING ANYWAY<3****

Transatlanticism - Death Cab For Cutie 


Amy couldn't believe how fast he was.

In thirteen seconds, she'd been counting on her watch, he'd made...

A batch of cookie dough.

"Of all the things you could have asked me to make, Amy." He said with a chuckle.

She leaned over the island to grab the large wooden spoon from the bowl and shoved half of it in her mouth. She expected it to taste different because of the speed but amazingly, it tasted heavenly. "I wanted something baked."

He circled around the island and stopped in front of her. His finger dashed across the corner of her lip, scooping up a large chunk of wayward cookie dough and sticking his finger into his mouth. "Delicious."

Despite being mesmerised by his tongue licking across his bottom lip, she asked, "I-is it though? I mean do you have to eat?"

"I don't have to at all. I can taste it but it's just pointless for me to eat."

She helped him spoon spoonfuls of the mixture onto two trays and shoved them into the oven. 

"What about strength?" She mused.

"What about it?"

"You're strong?"

"Very." And as if to prove it, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

She started laughing as she smacked his back. "Truthfully, this doesn't prove your strength."

"No but I'm sure you have a wonderful view of my backside as I have a wonderful view of yours." 

"And playful John has returned- ouch! John!" She scolded when his hand connected with her bottom. "Do you mind?"

"Not at all. I'm showing off how strong I am, my sweet innocent Amy." 

Well, technically he was carrying her as if she weighed no more than a piece of paper. "No, you're not. Lift a couch or a car or something."

"I'll bend a few spoons later." 

She giggled, completely elated at how natural and normal he was being with her. The sparkle in his eyes didn't go at all unnoticed. "I have a question."

"You've had many." He replied as he placed her on the couch and laid himself across her legs. He crossed his arms under his chin and turned his head to the side to watch her. "Go ahead."

"The issue with the sun. I assume, like many vampire novels I've read, you burn in the sun?"


She waited for him to carry on but he didn't say another word. "Then how in God's name do you and Michael prance around during the day?"

"Well, there are these things called witches." He lifted his right hand to show her a ring. "This ring lets us walk around-"

"Sorry, what? Witches?"

"Yes witches. Spells and all that. I promised her I'd let her be the one to tell you but I honestly don't ever listen to her anyway. The Philips' family has been helping Mike and me for years."

Philips? Why does that... She gasped. "No way! Kate?"

"She's a witch, yeah. And Anastasia and Sam."

"Oh, my gosh." She rested her hand on his head and started running her fingers through his soft hair. "Explains why Kate seems to know... Everything."

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