10: The Proposition

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Love the song on the side! Four Tet!

I enjoyed writing this chapter :P Don't be too disappointed ;)


"John? What are you doing around here?"

He slowed to a walk and cursed under his breath before spinning around with a grin. "Nothing."

Michael's brow rose. "Really?"


"Who's that food for?"

John frowned down at the bag that contained a wrapped up fresh brownie and in his other hand a coffee with sugar and small cartons of milk.

"Um, you?"

Mike rolled his eyes at his answer. "Apologising are we?"

John was apologising but he didn't want Michael knowing about it hence why he was trying to sneak past his classroom. From the canteen, there wasn't any other way to get to the science building without having to circle all the way around and according to Evie her break was only forty-five minute so he didn't want to waste it.

"Maybe. I'll see you later." He started down the hall hastily, ignoring Michael's laughter.

He was hoping, almost to the point of praying, that she wasn't out to lunch with that Mikel or Micah kid yet. Yesterday, he was tempted just to call her and apologise over the phone but then he thought better of it. Saying it in person, he'd have the opportunity to see her reaction.

He made it to her office two minutes later and knocked. The window on her door was clouded glass so he couldn't see within but he heard her quiet voice yell for him to come in.

He poked his head into the office and spotted Amy standing by a small bookcase, her glasses pushed to the top of her head, locks of her brown hair that had obviously escaped from her large bun framed her face and a small book was held by her slender fingers. 

His eyes were then drawn to her tan long legs underneath her light grey skirt.


He forced his gaze back to her face and smiled. She looked... Well, honestly she looked a bit panicked and flustered. He didn't know whether it was because something happened or he'd surprised her but the wild look in her eyes made him chuckle.

"Sorry to disturb you if you're busy." 

She exhaled sharply as she shook her head. "No, no. Please, come in. I'm just trying to complete an assignment I didn't really..." She stopped talking and sighed again. "Come in."

He stepped in hesitantly and shut the door. "I can go if you're-"

"No, I was just... Researching." The book dangled from her fingers as she faced him. Suddenly her cheeks tinted pink and her chocolate brown eyes darted to his throat. "Um... H-how're you?"

Ah, it begins. He could see her fidgeting in her spot already. "I'm fine thank you."

"Okay, good."

"I bought you a brownie and a coffee."

When her body relaxed he did as well. He hadn't realised he was as tense as her. "How thoughtful."

He held them up after a moment. "Evie said you had a break now so I thought..." Hell, he didn't know what to say. He was actually at a loss for words and the thought had him smiling wider at her.

"Thank you. Have a seat."

"I'm fine," He watched her move to a desk, which he assumed was hers, and placed the bag and the coffee beside a stack of paperwork.  "Is college okay?"

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