12: Distracting

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Bombay Bicycle Club - Motel Blues <3



He curled his body around Amy's as if she could catch fire herself as he watched the tree snap at the base and collapse. She was shaking in his arms either from the cold and the shock or from that... That kiss. Such a simple peck and yet he wanted more of her. All of her. He didn't understand it but Amy could cast such a simple spell with the wave of her hand and he would come running. What was it? The way she smiled? The way she blushed? Her shy and yet somehow fiery personality? He was willing to wait for her to ask him to kiss her because lord knew he was determined but today changed that.

And that damn lightning striking that tree! The chance of that happening, God, they were so low.

"We should call the-"

She was still shaking. But now he realised she was giggling. It was muffled because her face was pressed to his neck but she was definitely giggling.

"Amy?" He pulled back and lifted her head with his finger. She looked disoriented. Her mouth was curled up into a sly smile and her eyes looked, well they looked as if she didn't know where she was.

"Wow, I..." Even her tone of voice sounded like she was far away.

He'd done that to her. He smirked but it turned into a frown when another crack of lightening lit the sky. "Let's get inside and call the fire department."

John took the keys from her fumbling hands and opened the door, she floated in and he went to follow but he forcefully paused. Crap. She kept walking and he stared at her. "Amy,"

She glanced at him with weary eyes. "What? You can come in you know."

He sighed, relieved and stepped in shutting the door behind him. He followed Amy into her living room and spotted the phone. After a few minutes of explaining, the fire department were on their way already receiving the same phone call no more than a minute ago from the house next door. He didn't know where Amy had disappeared to so he shrugged off his wet cardigan and switched a lamp on but seconds later the lights flickered and then turned off completely.

The sound of multiple sirens outside and her muffled voice speaking over the phone distracted him only for a moment before he started to think about her. Shy little Amy Butler. The fact she wasn't shocked by what happened outside made him smile. But then again she loved her science. And what happened out there was science to him.

In a way it wasn't triumph that coursed through him when she finally asked him to kiss her. More like something else... Trust maybe? He wasn't sure yet. Talking about his family earlier felt foreign to him but he'd openly talked about them. But barely. And God, she asked about him playing piano. Such touchy subjects and yet that moment she asked, he had an urge to play for her. One day he would. But not yet. Soon though.

Something hit his shoulder. 

"Do you need a shirt too?"

He turned and picked up the towel that fell to the ground. "No, its fine I should be going."

She looked normal now, she didn't look as disoriented anymore but she did look worried. Her eyes were darting everywhere but never settling on him. She knew something.

"What's wrong?" 

"I looked out of the window. You can't leave. The fire department have closed off the road. The odds of what happened out there were so astoundingly low that I still can't believe it happened. I'll get you a shirt."

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