20: Family

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A'N- the hockey game isn't important to don't be too upset about not reading much about it.

I Can Barely Say - The Fray

I'll check mistakes in the morning...


What the hell is that on your neck?

Amy's jaw clenched and she held back her anger as the sixteenth person in a week asked what the horrible bruise was on her neck.

"I got punched in the throat." Was one excuse. "I have a contagious rash." Was another. "I'm dying." Was the one she used when she started to get pissed off. 

"None of your damn business." She told her classmate as she exited the classroom. 

The amount of cover up on her neck was astounding. Her cousin was none too happy however Jen just found it hilarious. The only people not to ask about it were Mike, Evie and Katherine.

They actually ignored it; pretended like it wasn't there.

But the worst of it was when she discovered it last Saturday morning. She was certain that that morning was the most she'd ever swore since discovering that swearing was okay as long as you weren't in front of your parents/family.

Pillows were thrown, True Blood novels were thrown, pencils were thrown and then there was the yelling. 

John had been asleep when she found it. She'd been shaking with anger by the time she'd locked the door and started throwing things. For a good two hours she yelled at him. He took it like a good boy. He didn't once interrupt but he did grovel. Matty tried coming in, which was why she thanked God she locked it but she had told him to go away.

By the last half hour, she'd sat on the bed not speaking a word to him which turned out successful because he was practically begging her to talk to him.

"I am so sorry, Amy please talk to me." John had crawled behind her and snuggled her into his chest. The fight was useless; she'd been so tired.  "Please, please, please."  

She'd been timing herself; twenty-nine minutes she lasted before she'd replied. "I am still mad."

"I understand, I do. I know I shouldn't have given it to you, I was caught up in the moment." He'd placed the sweetest of kisses on her cheek. The night before still rang fresh in her mind so his touch, unfortunately, had her burning. So she didn't have the heart to pull away.

He'd left after ten more silent minutes of snuggling behind her promising to call later in the night and by then she'd calmed down. She didn't leave her room, only for food or supplies. John kept his promise calling in the evening. She talked properly to him and not entirely forgave him. She wouldn't, not until it's gone.

And now, Friday, almost a week since having it, Wednesday it was at its worst, it was almost fading.

Amy walked down the hall, scarf now wrapped around her neck, and found Micah, Laura and Evie at her table. 

The sound of Micah's laugh brought a smile to her face. She had the pleasure of watching Evie and Laura smile along with him.

"Feeling alright?" Evie asked her as she approached the table. 

"I'm fine." She grumbled sitting beside Micah.

He grinned at her. "You sure sound fine."

"Haha," She mocked.

"Are you still pissed about it?" Laura asked. She'd seen it by accident when Amy had taken her scarf off at lunch the other day. So technically the whole freaking world knows. 

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