11: New Tactic

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The XX's new album is just... I can't even... Apart from that I hope everyone enjoys this as much as iiii did ;)


She hadn't told Harriet. She hadn't even told Evie. All she wanted to do was keep Monday a secret. And she had. It's been two and a half weeks since she'd last seen John.

And her glasses.

Well, she'd caught a glimpse of him from afar on her breaks and he'd simply look at her as if she weren't even there. And lucky for her she always had a spare but they were her old prescription and they didn't really help her in class. So she didn't have a choice now. She braved the rest of that week and another, and half of another just in case she'd get used to them but she realised she couldn't handle it anymore. Okay, she could have asked Evie to get them for her but that would have opened a line of questioning surprisingly enough.

It was Saturday, her day off and apparently everyone else's too. Evie called her earlier that morning asking for her to join her and Michael at some market that came around every few Saturdays. 

So here she was, standing in front of John Harris's huge house in the middle of nowhere half an hour before she was due to meet them. The cab she'd called seemed pretty reluctant to drive down some long road outside of Burnaby but he didn't exactly say no. John didn't know she was coming... But she assumed he did now; how else could she get his street name without asking Michael? 

"Okay, thanks."

"Do I need to know why you're going?" Michael had asked obviously amused.

"It's a long story but dear God don't tell Evie. Thanks again." And then she hung up.

Amy swallowed before walking up the steps to his front door. Didn't he understand privacy? The whole bottom half of his house was windows, but some were curtained. Then again she sort of did just contradict herself because his house was located at 001 Nowhere Lane. Still...

Just as her finger hovered over the doorbell his words plagued her thoughts; they have been for eighteen days. Eighteen long sleepless days. 

'For me these next few months are an opportunity...' 

She blew out a breath and pressed the bell.

'...My proposition still stands but if I find that opportunity I will take it.'

Why was she here? She should have just asked Michael plus she didn't leave John on the best of terms. He looked like she'd just slapped him in the face and later on that night she'd felt the tiniest bit guilty. Only a tiny bit. So maybe she could apologise... But what for?! He propositioned her--

The door opened, bringing her back to reality. He looked so dishevelled and oddly tired. He was dressed in a baggy, creased green t-shirt and a pair of running shorts. It looked like he'd just rolled out of bed. And judging from his hair and the way he squinted from the sun, he probably just did. It was almost two though.

After a yawn his tired hazel eyes focused on her and immediately hardened. Oh, great. His jaw clenched before he opened the door wider and gestured her in. She hesitated at first but she needed those damn glasses.

John shut the door and ran a hand through his hair. "It took you two and a half weeks." His voice was croaky, deep and husky.

"I've been preoccupied." She mumbled.

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