8: One-on-One

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Howlin' For You - The Black Keys <3

I apologise for any mistakes, shall check in the morning <3


"Hello, Amy."

She looked up from her laptop and smiled. "Hey Gerry."

"Are you busy?" The older woman glanced at Lewis working away at his desk and back to Amy. 

"Not at all, I was just browsing."

"Oh, good. There is something I need you to look into with Lewis starting Monday. When you were with NASA, did you read about the EUVE Mission from the 90's?"

Amy's mind perked at the memory. "The Extreme-Ultraviolet Explorer? Yes. That was one of my favourites to research."

"What is that again?" Lewis interjected.

Before Gerry could speak Amy explained, "EUVE was a part of NASA's Explorer spacecraft series, and was designed to operate in the extreme ultraviolet range of the spectrum. Its objective was to carry out a full-sky survey and a deep-survey and pointed observations."

"Oh, now I remember!" He grinned. "They terminated the mission in 2000."

"Good, you both know what it is." Gerry tilted her head back and laughed. "Monday. I want the kids to know about it. It'll rope in with their projects. By the way, you are free to go home Amy it's almost five."

She knew that. She was just afraid to call John and ask him where he was.

"I know." She sighed. "I was just finishing up."

"Okay. See you two Monday."

Lewis waved at her before she left and smiled at Amy. "Are you going now?"

She grimaced. She couldn't very well stay here all night could she? "Yes." Amy stood and picked up her satchel, placing her laptop and her homework inside. She stared at her phone scornfully. "I'll see you Monday."

"Have a good weekend."

Her hand curled around the phone. "And you." 

Amy exited her office with a sigh and started scrolling through her contacts. Here goes nothing. As she walked she listened to the dial tones for just over twenty seconds before his voice coursed through her, "Hello?"

"Hey John its Amy." She silently cursed herself when her voice cracked at the end.

"Hello, Amy. Is everything alright?"

"Um, yes. I, well, I was calling to see where you were because... Um... You're... Supposed to..."

He started laughing and she stopped walking to hold a hand to her burning cheeks. 

"I know I am. I'm in the Fitness Centre at the moment and I'm sorry to say but there is a huge mess in here and I'm half done."

A breath she didn't realise she was holding escaped her lungs and she started to nod. "Okay, so should I get a ride with someone else?"

"No, it's fine. You can come in here whilst I finish. Do you know where the gym is?"

"Not exactly." She finally moved her feet. 

"Go to through the Fitness Centre and turn to your immediate left." 

She walked outside into the biting cold and walked down the walkway toward the sports centre. "Okay"

"Then go down to the end of the hall and through double doors and you'll be outside again. You'll see a building in front of you and I'll be in there."

"Am I allowed..?"

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