Chapter 1

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This is the first story I created on wattpad so please excuse any of my mistakes.

Please vote and comment! Luv u all! ;-)


Teresa looked in the mirror and saw a girl with long brown straight hair. She had light brown eyes that glimmer in the sun. She was known for having a sense if what was going to happen. It isn't ESP or anything, just a gift of hers.

Anyway she had been tossing and turning her clothes trying to pick out the best outfit. At last she decided to wear a blue sweater with a blue dragon on it and blue skinny jeans. She put on her heavy bookbag that contained her cheerleading outfit, raced down the stairs to put on her blue flats and went out the door to catch the bus.


"Welcome to class students, I hope you had a good weekend. But to start of your third period of the school day, I want to tell you guys we will be having two new students in our history class this year." The teacher said. Teresa took her seat in the far right corner of the room.

Just as he said that, two boys came inside the classroom. One guy had black hair and a blue-white-red cap which he wore backwards. He was quite shorter than normal and had fair skin. The other guy who was taller had gray hair, had facepaint that resembled cat whiskers, and was wearing a long white scarf.

The shorter one said "Hey guys I'm a new student here but don't worry you'll get to know me real fast. But anyway I'm Tyson Granger."

But the other one said just his name and nothing else. "Kai Hiwatari."

The teacher told them, "Okay gentleman, you can sit in any of the empty chairs at that table that Teresa is sitting at." They both looked at the direction he was pointing and saw a girl who had looks that could kill.

Teresa greeted Tyson and Kai as they were making their way to the table. Tyson sat right beside Teresa but Kai took the seat across from her.

The teacher told Teresa to catch Tyson and Kai up on the history unit they were learning about. During the task that she was doing she noticed that Tyson wasn't even paying attention to her. But on the other hand Kai was paying full attention to as if trying to listen to a crime scene.

Tyson was working on his algebra homework it looked like. "You're good at math." Teresa said looking impressed. Tyson blushed and said, "Thank you! And you're cute". That really didn't mean anything to Teresa because she got that from a lot of people.

As Teresa looked from the corner of her eye, she saw Kai still staring at her intently. What's going on with him? she thought.

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