Chapter 3

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Thanks guys for voting and commenting on my story!  Really appreciate it! I'll try my best to make this chapter as long as I can make it.  Please tell me how my story going so far, and vote if you liked it. Keep up with the good work! :-)

As the rest of the school day went by, Teresa still didn't get the chance to talk to Kai let alone give him his spinning top back. But Teresa was kind of glad she could have it for a while so she can do some research on beyblading and how their connected to animals.

Teresa had just known Tyson and Kai for one day and she

She knocked on the door of her house and her brother opened it for her.

"Hey Bram, so how's my little brother doing today."

"Good", he said staring at Teresa with his different colored eyes.

Bramwell was Teresa's younger brother and was known for having one blue eye and one brown eye. He was bullied at school for being different.

"Why do you look so happy?" asked Bram confused.

"Bram remember when Father gave me 4 different sweaters for my birthday last year?"

"Yeah, one was a red bird, a white tiger, a purple water turtle, and that sweater you have on", Bram answered.

"Yeah, and so this guy dropped this thing and it's just like the red bird on the sweater.  "You want to check it out with me?" asked Teresa as she pulled out the spinning top to show her brother.

"Wow, sooooo coool! Yeah I want to check it out!"

Teresa and Bram went to Teresa's room and got on her laptop. The first thing Teresa wanted to know was Who was Kai & What was beyblading?

They tapped on the first link that showed up. It said that Beyblading is a sport where two spinning tops charge against each other. Inside the tops there are animals with different techniques and attacks called Bitbeasts. Some bitbeasts are stronger than others and have an advantage of winning the Battle. Ever year there is a tournament between the bladers, and the one who comes out on top wins a prize.

It also said that the current champion was Tyson Granger. He had the strongest bitbeast so far which was Dragoon.

As the picture appeared on the screen, Teresa knew it was the blue dragon on her sweater. Teresa also knew that there was more to this situation.

She would have to ask Tyson and Kai themselves.

Bram interrupted her thoughts by pointing to the screen and showing her a picture of a team......not just any team, but it was the Bladebreakers, and Tyson and Kai were a part of it. It looked like the picture was taken a year ago because Kai was shorter and Tyson still had the face of a child.

Under the picture, the caption read Tyson Granger, Kai Hiwatari, Ray Kon, and Max Tate of the Bladebreakers won the National Beyblade Championship of 2013.

The next day of school Teresa ran into Tyson while he was at his locker.
"Hey Tyson!" Teresa said a little bit too cheerfully.

"What's going on with you Teresa, you seem so happy, and I like your cheerleading outfit."

"Thanks, and Tyson I was so eager to ask you or Kai this yesterday, but I didn't have the chance. Tell me everything you know about beyblading."

"Well, Tyson responded. "There's a lot to know about blading so it might take a long time. How about you come over to my apartment after school and I'll tell you all about it, okay?"

"Okay", Teresa answered too fast like she was super excited.

"And don't forget to bring Kai also!" Teresa added.

She wanted to give Kai his beyblade back and have some of her questions answered. And to get Kai talking a bit.

Teresa took out the Kai's beyblade and stared at it for a long time.

"Your life is just beginning Teresa." said the beyblade in a very deep but faint voice like it seemed far away.

Teresa opened her mouth and gasped.

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