Chapter 18

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Teresa's POV

"Hey, Wait up!" Tyson yelled and went after the lady. Confused, I looked at Max for help. He just shrugged his shoulders and followed Tyson.

Why was the lady running away, startled? She must have figured out that we read the files! Oh no..

Just as I was about to run after the boys, I felt someone tugging on my sweater. Megan, with an anxious expression, was looking at me with desperate eyes. "I...h-have to go really bad.." She trembled with her words.

"How many times do you go to the bathroom each day?" I sighed, not expecting an answer.

Megan didn't waste any time trying to come up with an excuse. "The battle between Max and Tyson really scared me and almost made me wet myself. I really need to goooo!" She whined and tugged harder on my sweater.

"Okay, Okay." I said quickly to get her to quit whining like that. She loosened her grip on my sweater instantly. "But we first need to go to Tyson and Max to make sure they don't let that lady escape." I stooped down to Megan's height.

"Can you hold it for a little longer..?" I asked her sweetly.

Megan thought for a moment. "I'll try to." She smiled and I returned it. Taking her hand, we scurried out of the room.

Across the long narrow hall, we spotted three figures. One of them was on the floor, which must have been Francine. As we got closer, we were within the range of hearing the three of them talking.

"We're not going to hurt you.." Tyson was holding his grip on the lady's arm.

"Let go of me." Francine hissed.

Max looked at Francine with sympathy. "Sorry, we don't mean any harm. We just want to know who you are and how we can get out of here."

Francine scoffed. "Good try boy, but I'm not going to tell you anything!" She assured him. She struggled, trying to escape from Tyson's grip. Her youth was still visible, seeming that she was about in her twenties.

We finally caught up with Tyson and Max. As I stood over Francine, she gave me a nasty glare. Francine made another attempt to escape and Tyson just let her go.

"You! How did you know who I was?" She demanded.

Not answering, I offered my hand to Francine. She looked at it, her face hostile.

I sighed, her look not bothering me in any way. I guess I just got used to it. "C'mon, get off the dusty floor." I told her the way someone tells that to a child.

Francine grunted and finally decided to take the offering. When she was on her feet she immediately put her head down. The sheer slience overtook us instantly.

It was slient for about a good minute until Francine decided to speak up. "I know that you read the files in the cabinet. So what do you want from me?" She questioned with a soft tone but a hint of harshness was not very well hidden.

I felt the presence of someone behind me and I figured it was Megan. I hope she can hold it a bit longer.

Tyson scratched his head, giving a sheepish smile. "Well, uh.."

"We really want to find a way to escape before the organ removals start." I broke in, stressing the topic.

Max nodded in agreement. "We certainly don't want to end up like the people we read in the files." He made the files and openly subject to talk about.

Francine looked surprised at what Max had said. She was hesitant. "I'm sorry for my rude behavior earlier..." She frowned. Francine seemed ashamed of herself, her red mane seemed as if it were hiding the depths of her life.

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