Chapter 13

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"Ugh...I can't hold in my hunger any longer...I really need something to eat." Tyson said softly wrapping his hands around his stomach while sitting on the bloody floor. Teresa turned around and looked at Tyson with sorrow eyes.

"Why is everything going wrong for us?" Teresa muttered to herself. Teresa pounded on the door again but nothing came in response.

"Just give up..." a voice said softly. "It's no use. We're not going to get out of here so stop wasting your time."

Teresa knew this voice. It was Max who was saying all those crappy things. Teresa's eyes twitched.

"W-why....are you saying those things?" Teresa choked out.

Max looked down, unable to answer the question. Teresa sighed and went over to Tyson not even peeking a glance at Max. "I'll get something for us to eat. Just stay here..." Teresa told Tyson.

"But-" Tyson protested.

Teresa stopped Tyson before he could say anything else. "It's alright. I'm going to be fine don't worry." Teresa assured him.

Tyson nodded slowly. "Okay..."

Teresa gave him a small smile and chuckled softly. "You better get off the floor. You don't want to end up smelling like dead fish." Teresa advised.

Teresa made her way out of the room in search for food. A man that could have been a guard was standing at the end of the hall. He had a helmet of black hair and had a tan skin tone. He looked like he was in his early 20's. Teresa ran to him wanting to ask if they could get something to eat.

The man saw Teresa running his way and he wondered what she was up to.

"What do you want?" the man asked when Teresa finally reached him.

"My friend is starving and the rest of us are not doing too well either. Would you mind just giving us something to eat to satisfy our hunger?" Teresa asked in a soft tone like a beggar on the street. She would have never thought of begging for food.

The man looked at Teresa, studying her. A few seconds later he nodded. "Sure. I think I can manage that." The man smiled looking down at Teresa.

Teresa smiled widely at the man, thankful that there seemed to be someone in the building that listened and understood. "Thank you..." Teresa said.

"No problem....and by the way I'm Gabe." the man stated taking out his hand.

"Teresa." she replied shaking his hand.

"Say, about I tell you what really happens in this place while I get food for you and your friends." Gabe said almost seeming like a question.

Teresa nodded. "Sure."

"Alright, but you have to keep it low profile. I don't want all of your friends to know about this."

Teresa nodded again but hesitated.
If it's this secretive, then I don't even want to know what it is. It must be dangerous.

Gabe was uneasy about telling Teresa, but someone had to know soon enough.

"Follow me." Gabe ordered. Teresa obediently followed Gabe's steps but something was bothering her.

"Gabe...?" Teresa said softly.

"Yeah...what do you need?" Gabe asked stopping and looking at Teresa with concerned eyes.

"What happened to Megan?" Teresa asked almost whispering looking up at Gabe.

"Oh you're talking about the little girl who got locked up in a room with a guy in a surgeon outfit. Well, nothing happened to her."

Teresa's face turned into a confused one. "What?!! How do you know? You weren't there!" Teresa barked.

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