Chapter 7

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Tyson was still on his walk to Teresa's house when he got a message from his father questioning where he was. He sent a quick text to his father saying he was going to a friend's house and that he would be okay. Just then did Tyson realize that his feet were getting sore from walking for a half hour.

Man, I should have taken a bus! I can't walk that far!

As his destination got closer Tyson got more relived.

Tyson got to Teresa's front porch and knocked on the door. Teresa's mother answered the door.

"Good morning Mrs. Granger" , Tyson said formally.

"And good morning to you too Mr. Granger. Come in", she answered grinning and gestured her hand for Tyson to come in.

Teresa's mother was very young and pretty. Probably around the age of 28 or 29 it seemed like. Teresa had told Tyson her mother gave birth to her as a teenager.

Tyson stepped inside the nicely scented home and he was greeted by a cat laying on the floor sleeping. He had almost tripped over the poor cat!

The home had beautiful chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Tyson could here someone upstairs and figured it was Teresa's father.

"Tyson if you are looking for Teresa, she and Bramwell went to the café to hangout. They'll be coming soon." Mrs. Granger said.

"Oh...okay." Tyson replied.

"Have you had breakfast honey?"

"No I haven't Mrs. Granger."

"Oh you don't have to be so formal, just call me Jennifer or Jen okay." she laughed.

"Okay" Tyson said embarrassed.

"There still breakfast from this morning or you can make your own breakfast. Make yourself at home." she said soothingly.

Jennifer went upstairs with a basket of folded clothes and Tyson was by himself downstairs excluding the sleeping cat.

Tyson went to kitchen and spotted the leftover breakfast on the counter. It was scrambled eggs.

Instantly, he felt depression wash over him.

Teresa has such a nice home and a caring family, something that I never had or will have.

Tyson scolded himself for being so emotional all the time.

He put some eggs into a plate and poured himself orange juice. Tyson sat in the family and grabbed a nearby remote to watch the TV while he ate.

Tyson flipped through the channels until he got to the news. The heading read Breaking News.

The newscaster said "Hello I'm Steve Lane and I'm here to bring you the Breaking News. We've had devastating attack in a café by three kidnappers here in Memphis, Tennessee. They were threatening people with explosive bombs and ended up taking three children and two teenagers. One of the teenagers was on a visit here. The other was a citizen of Tennessee, Teresa Granger the bystanders say."

"People claimed Teresa was with her brother in the café when the men came in. She evidently was kidnapped and left her brother when the men threw one last bomb on the way out. Ten people died and several were severely injured. Police are trying to get more information about the attack and find where the men are taking the children. Next up China refuses to change-"

Tyson turned off the TV and the screen went black.

Tyson could not believe what he just heard. He felt a hard jolt in his stomach. Teresa....kidnapped.

Maybe I heard!!

He quickly ran upstairs taking the stairs two at a time to tell Teresa parents.

"Mr. and Mrs. Granger, I need to tell you something!

"What do you want to tell us honey?" Teresa's mother asked.

Both parents were staring at Tyson waiting for him to say something. Tyson's heart was pounding hard and he felt like he couldn't breathe.

"Teresa was kidnapped by three men in the café and Bram got hit by a bomb. An explosive bomb!"

It took a long time for the news to sink down into their brains.

Teresa's mother was the first one to break the silence by screaming and crying.

"Oh my god what are we going to do Ted." she cried to her husband covering her face in a pillow.

Teresa's father looked serious and asked Tyson, "How do you about all this?"

"It was on the TV a minute ago." Tyson replied.

Teresa's father shook his head and knew that Tyson wouldn't lie about such a thing like that. He blamed himself for letting Teresa and Bram go to the café.

"Com'on honey, I'm going to find Teresa and you going to the café and make sure Bram is okay. Tyson is coming with me." Teresa's father said taking control.

"Okay." his wife stuttered wiping away her tears and getting up to go to the bathroom to fix herself up.

Tyson was alone with Teresa's father and he felt uncomfortable.

"Can you help me find Teresa." Teresa's father asked nicely.

Tyson smiled and said, "Sure."

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