Chapter 20

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Thursday Night (They've been kidnapped for 6 days so far..))


The rain poured down heavily as the windows shook. The loud lightning makes you jump out of fear. I sort of freak out when the weather is like this. Not one of my strong suits. And what's worse is that we have to sleep on the floor. The hard carpet makes it harder to sleep for everyone. Well...not exactly everyone.

I gazed around the dark room, my eyes laying on Tyson's figure at the far corner of the room. Even with the loud noise, Tyson was fast asleep. His bandaged arm was resting on his stomach. Teresa was right beside him, her hair all tangled up behind her. I don't know what's up with Tyson and Teresa these days, but they've been awfully close...if you know what I mean.

Megan was near me in distance. Her soft steady breathing was almost soothing to me.

Figuring that it was almost midnight, I took out Draciel, holding it in my hand. The blade felt heavy in my hands.

I wondered about the next time I can have a bey battle with a worthy opponent. Zeo, an opponent I once faced, was a good beyblader and had powerful attack along with smart strategies. He even managed to steal Dranzer and Draciel from us. Kai was devastated when he lost his Dranzer.

I wondered when I was going to have my chance to face Tyson in the Championships...Soon, I will be known as the 'Number 1 Beyblader'.

I sighed as I closed my eyes. The thought of surpassing Tyson and becoming the World Beyblading Champion slowly drifted me to sleep.

( 2 hours later) Teresa POV

I fluttered my eyes open as I felt something heavy against my body. Tyson's leg was laying on my shoulder, which meant his foot was in my face. Feeling uncomfortable, I gently pushed Tyson's leg away from me. He stirred in his sleep, muttering some random things.

"Hey..I'll get you Gabe..Never talk about my mother......yes, cheeseburger please. But don't go overboard on the cheese..." He said softly.

I sighed as Tyson reached his hand out, acting like he's gotten his cheeseburger. Stuffing his hand into his mouth instead of his cheeseburger, he woke up surprised.

"What..huh?" His sleepy expression combined with a confused look made a soft giggle escape from my lips. He sat up looking around the room, until he noticed me right beside him.

Tyson scratched his head, still confused. "What time is it?" He whispered a little too loudly.

I shrugged, not really knowing the time. We could hear light rain from outside, figuring that it must have rained hard a few hours ago. Although there were still some thunder that rolled in, along with the lightning.

"I'm hungry.." Tyson said blankly. "Im going to go get something to eat." Tyson stood up lazily it seemed like.

I wasn't surprised. All he thinks about is food. Not to mention, he dreams about food too.

"I'm coming too.." I decided. "I don't feel like going back to sleep." I stood up, dusting myself off.

I have been wearing the same clothes ever since we've been 'kidnapped'. A gray and pink striped knitted sweater my grandma knitted for my fourteenth birthday. A pair of blue skinny jeans. It seemed like all I was getting for my birthday were clothing.

Tyson looked at me with a smirk. My face gave him a puzzled look. "What..?" I questioned. He chuckled softly.

"Oh, forget it.." He turned away, chuckling some more. Goodness, boys these days...they're so confusing to understand.

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