Chapter 2

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Teresa went into the cafeteria for 5th period lunch. She got her lunch and sat with her cheerleading friends. They were talking about the football game between the Falcons and Vikings that was going to happen on Thursday. One of the cheerleaders said, "We're totally going to beat the Vikings because we haven't been defeated by them for over ten years!" Then all of the cheerleaders including Teresa clapped and cheered.

All of a sudden Tyson came up to the girls' table and asked in a mischievous voice, "Excuse me girls, but can my friend and I sit here with you?" "Sure" half of the girls at the table chuckled.

Tyson looked past all of the girls until he set eyes on Teresa. "Hey Teresa, wow can't believe your in my lunch too!" He sat at an empty seat close to Teresa.

"Teresa, I just noticed this, but where did you get that blue sweater?" Tyson asked.

"My father made this sweater for me on my birthday. I have three more sweaters like this but they're different animals. My dad said there's a secret behind these animals but he won't tell me what it is. Why did you ask?"

"Ohhhh never mind that you'll just have to wait".

"Okay, where's your friend Kai?".

Again Kai just kept his mouth shut and sat at the edge of the table, far away from everyone.

"Kai is not the talkative type and always looks like he's in a bad mood, but once you get to know him, he's not that bad" Tyson said.

Teresa took her chance and walk over to the other end of the table to where Kai sat and and took the seat next to him. She wanted to get to know Kai better, so she said "Hey Kai, so what are some if your hobbies?"

What a dumb way to start a conversation with someone! Tersea thought to herself.

"Beyblading" Kai replied.

"That's all, nothing else?"

"That's it, I love blading and am a part of a team called the Bladebreakers. "

"Whats beyblading?" Teresa asked confused. "Is Tyson one of them too?

Just as Kai was going to reply the bell rang for 6th period and Teresa didn't get an answer. I'll just ask him later, she thought.

As Kai was going through the doors of the cafeteria, he dropped something and didn't notice. Teresa picked it up and it looked like a spinning top that was metal and shinny. At the center of the top, there was an red bird that looked very familiar to her.

It looked exactly like the bird that was on one of the sweaters that her father made her.

I'm going to get to the bottom of this.

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