Chapter 15

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" son...."

"Mother!! Mother!!"

"Son, you can only figure out the truth..."

"W-What do you mean...?"

"Your Grandfather..."

"My Grandfather...I don't get it! What are you trying to tell me Mother?!!"

"The truth...about my d-"

"Tyson...Tyson wake up.." a faint voice called.

"Ugh...Leave me alone.." Tyson muttered softly turning to his side. He was sleeping on the floor and a thin blanket was on top of him.

"Tyson!" this time the voice got more violent and someone started poking his head.

"What...?" Tyson asked sleepily.

"Wake up Tyson!!" Teresa yelled in his ear and nearly popped his eardrum.

"Aaaah!!! Hey why did you have to do that for?!!" Tyson cried out, hitting his head on the floor.

"You almost slept through the whole morning." Teresa noted, walking over to the window to open the blinds.

"What? How do you know?" Tyson questioned squinting as the bright light flooded the room.

Teresa stared at him, blinking a few times. "I really think you should get checked by a doctor." Teresa advised.

"You think...ever since that incident yesterday, I'm hoping for Amnesia."

"Oh yeah!" Teresa giggled softly, remembering the funny moment. "When the guard dogs were chasing you around the building because you were trying to get extra cheese rolls from the food storage unit. You were so scared, you dropped your beyblade!"

"Hey, it's not my fault! The dog probably had something sinister going on in his mind." Tyson argued sitting cross-legged, putting his cap on backwards.

"Here." Teresa said walking over to Tyson and handing him his breakfast.

"Soup...Really...?" Tyson stared blankly at his bowl.

Teresa shrugged her shoulders. "I thought you liked every kind of food."

"I do, but Soup is kind of too blah for breakfast. Don't you think?" Tyson questioned.

Teresa rolled her eyes. "Well, get over it. That's what they had for all of us."

Tyson grunted. "You should've saved me a cheeseburger..." He frowned at the bowl and started to chow down.

Where's Max and Megan?" Tyson asked in between spoonfuls.

As if on cue, Max and Megan came in the room. Max was holding his beyblade in one hand and his launcher in the other. Megan stood beside him, her blond curls in a tangled mess.

"Just showing Megan how a champ does it." Max boasted.

"Oh c'mon.." Tyson scoffed lightly, finished with his soup. "Everyone knows I'm the raining world champion here."

"Well just wait until I take your title, Mr. Hotshot!" Max retorted.

"As if." Tyson spat.

"Max is good..." Megan commented softly. Max nodded in agreement while Tyson made an ugly glare at Max.

"You guys don't have to argue like girls!" Teresa scolded before Tyson could make a comeback. "At least we're lucky that nothing horrible happened to us so far." She changed the subject.

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