Chapter 19

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Bram POV ( Finally!!)

I woke up to the sound of water dripping faintly. My eyes felt really heavy as I opened them.

It took a minute to take in my surroundings. I was in the same room before they took me to the surgery unit to began my operation. Sheets in sterile white with pale blue blanket. Phone attached to the bed with a cord. Call buttons for emergencies attached to the side of the bed.

Not bothering me in any way, but I figured the water dripping must have been the faucet not closed properly.

My body ached as I managed to sit up. I threw the sheets off of me. Looking at my body, I noticed there were many wires connected to my arms, legs, and chest. An IV pole was to my right, along with a digital monitoring system that made beeping sounds for my breathing.

A few minutes later, a nurse came in to check my temperature. "How are you feeling?" She asked concerned.

"I feel pain throughout my body." I answered truthfully as she felt my forehead. My voice was raspy and my throat sore. I opened my mouth and she put the thermometer in. She stared at me for a while, probably just admiring my eyes. I get that a lot because of my different colored eyes.

The nurse frowned, nodding as she got my temperature. "Well..we did replace your original heart with another one that will be stable for now. Make sure you get some rest and don't go hard on yourself alright?"

I nodded. "Alright, Thanks." I said softly. The nurse smiled, about to leave the room.

"Wait.." I raised my voice. "Am I allowed visitors..?"

The nurse stroked her chin, as if she had a beard. "Well, I don't see why not. And I'm sure you have visitors waiting.." She was making up a decision in her head.

Moments later, she gave a sweet smile. "I'll tell your visitors they can come see you." She beamed as she skipped out of the room.

The room returned to silence. I thought back to what the nurse said earlier. "We did replace your original heart with another one..."

Another heart...They've took my heart and replaced it with someone else's heart. Seems almost illegal....

"It will be stable for now..." This is what scared me. When my new heart becomes unstable, the worst possible thing is going to happen.

I shook my head, pushing the thought behind me. I'm doing alright for now, and that's all that matters...hopefully.

I wondered what to do to occupy my time. Suggesting that I could watch TV was one option, but I didn't bother reaching for the remote. Laziness sure does get the better of you.

A knock on the door interrupted me from my thoughts. "Yes..come in..." My voice was getting on my nerves.

My heart almost jumped out of place when I saw my mom enter the room. My father followed. Surprisingly, Kai came through the door as well.

My mother ran towards me, hugging me tightly. I felt a surge of pain in body as she was hugging me.

Mother figured out what was wrong by me cringing and she gently let go of me. She was on the edge of tears. "How are you feeling, honey?" She soothed, rubbing my arm.

"I'm alright...I guess..." I need to start telling the truth to my parents. My mother looked away shamefully, sniffling.

My father stepped forward, giving me a I'm-proud-of-you smile. "You're a brave and strong boy.." He complimented.

I returned the smile. "Thanks Dad." No one has ever said that because since I'm only twelve, people don't seem to find the hero inside me.

Kai waited in back of the room, probably too shy even though shyness doesn't really fit this guy. I guess he didn't want to speak to me.

The room stayed silent for about another minute. I sighed softly, looking at my tired and worried parents.

I decided to break the sorrowful silence. "Have you guys found Teresa..." I asked to no one in particular. It was probably a dumb question to ask.

All heads jerked up at my question. No one spoke right away. Moments after my dad cleared his throat.

"They haven't found Teresa yet, and Tyson is also with her..." My father spoke softly.

It was so sad how my father used the words "They" instead of "We". It seems like he didn't contribute at all to finding Teresa.

"How is Tyson with Teresa? Did he get kidnapped also?!" I croaked in disbelief.

My father shook his head. "No son, Tyson did not get kidnapped. He wanted to find Teresa himself." He spoke with shamefulness in his voice.

I didn't quite understand. Tyson, the cocky, stubborn boy, risked his own life to finding Teresa. He definitely cares for her.

I sighed. My family is a whole mess. With Teresa kidnapped, me with a heart condition, and my parents constantly in worry, we've basically broke the record of 'Most Messed Up Family'.

"I'll find Teresa, no matter what it takes." A confident voice stated in the back.

Tyson's Father POV

I drove away from the hospital, feeling a mixture of emotions. I just couldn't understand why Tyson would have just ran off to find Teresa. He's gotten himself in great danger.

I suddenly remembered that I left an envelope for the water bill in the car. I opened the glove compartment, trying to find some stamps for the envelope. Suddenly, something fell out of the glove compartment. It looked like a card. Flowers of pink and purple was drawn all over it.

I reached out my arm and grabbed the card. There was tape that stuck the two sides of the card together. Ripping the tape and opening it, I took a deep breath and read the small and elegant writing.

To the love of my life,

You must have been reading this so long after I left you in this cold and evil world. I've been thinking to myself whether it was worth it or not. To end my life just as our newborn's started his. I didn't want life to slip through my fingers, just watching you raise our newborn alone, confused why I had left you. The boy is bound to rise above all, I believe it. I didn't want to leave you stressed and depressed, finding a cold and empty space beside you in bed. To be honest, I'm not sure if it's good for me to make this decision, not wanting our newborn growing up fearing that he killed his own mother because I don't have the courage to tell anyone what really happened. I know this doesn't make any sense to you and probably it never will, but I have made my choice to break away and leave this world. Take care of our children, Tyson and Hiro. And also remind them that I love them, even though I'm not there to give them a hug and kiss their beloved cheeks.

From your wife who loves you dearly
November 30, 1999

Tears streamed down my face. My wife wrote this months before she died. But why didn't she just tell me instead of writing it on a card.

Hey Guys! I'm sorry I haven't been updating regularly because of school. Anyways, When I created this chapter and wrote the letter from Tyson's mother, I've been getting comments that it sounds like Tyson's mother committed suicide, which is not what happened to her. I don't want you guys to get confused so just comment if you think I should change it up a bit so you guys can understand it better. Thanks!

Stay Beautiful

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