Chapter 4

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Hey Guys! Thanks for supporting me! This chapter I dedicate to my best friend, lovefashionbest. Please read her first book called My New Secret World. And don't forget to comment, follow, and vote. XOXO!

Teresa was startled about what just happened. The beyblade had just spoke to her. The next she saw was the flash in the eyes of the bird.

I don't know what all that meant, but I know it can't be a good thing, Teresa thought.

She was so occupied with her thoughts that she totally forgot about something.........


"So, did you bring a pencil and paper to take notes?" Tyson asked sarcastically sprawled on his bed. They were in Tyson's tiny bedroom and it was a mess!

"Uhhh, no Tyson I actually didn't bring anything except my brother and....oh yeah, I can't believe I almost forgot" Teresa said as she got up and went up to Kai and handed him his really weird beyblade back.

"Here Kai, and I know you must have been looking for this for a long time but you dropped it yesterday when you left the cafeteria, so I just held on to it until I had the chance to give it back to you."

"Yeah, okay" was all that Kai responded with.

Didn't he even get worried or anything, because he doesn't seem the least bit glad when he got his blade back. This guy is totally not cool.

"Com'on, Teresa let's get to work" Tyson said impatiently.

"Okay okay, I'm coming", Teresa mimicked his voice.

Teresa sat down on the floor next to Bram. Bram seemed interested about the whole thing so Teresa had to bring him along.

"So number one, I'm  your teacher Tyson Granger and I'm going to teach you students about beyblading, " he stated.

"Get on with it Tyson", Teresa said laughing and threw an empty water bottle that was near her at Tyson.

"Your last name is Granger too?" Bram asked Tyson surprised.


"Awesome, we have the same last name", Bram screamed excitedly.

"Then how come your sister never told me then?" Tyson asked while looking at Teresa with a small grin.

"Well, I thought it wasn't that "awesome" that we have the same last name", Teresa said as she was making quotation marks in the air for the word awesome.

Bram and Tyson laughed at that.

Kai was fed up with all of the nonsense that he just stormed out of the room and said rude words under his breath that could not be heard.

"What's wrong with him?" Bram asked frowning.

"Lots of things", Tyson answered.

Suddenly Teresa's phone vibarated and it was a message from her mom. Teresa read the message and when she was done, a frown crossed her face.

"I'm sorry Tyson my mom just texted me for us to go home cause it's getting dark. Me and Bram have to leave right now. I know we didn't get anything done today but we'll try another day OK?" Teresa said.

"Okay." Tyson said with a depressed voice.

"Tyson, are you alright?" Teresa asked with sympathy.

"Well, you see I really didn't have a mother who looked after me and raised me because my mother past away when I was four months old."

There were tears forming at the edge of his eyes.

"Tyson, I'm so sorry, I–"

"It's okay Teresa, I'm doing fine but she wouldn't have died if I wasn't born", Tyson said wiping the tears out of his eyes.


Going through the crowded hallways, Teresa finally made it to 6th period cheerleading class just before the tardy bell rang. Coach Anne took attendance and found someone she could pick on.

"Teresa, why didn't you come to practice yesterday after school?" Coach asked.

"Well, ummm.....I had important stuff to do."

Teresa heard one girl say,"Probably hanging out with those two new wimps." Teresa shot her a death glare which made her go silent.

"What's more important than practicing for the biggest game of the year. And you have the most important part of the cheerleading routine. Now we'll have to replace you with Clarrisa since she was here yesterday and did a great performance." Coach said matter of factly.

Teresa watched as Clarissa got up and performed the part of the routine in front of the whole class. When she was finished she took her seat and did an ugly smirk at Teresa.

What a showoff!  Teresa thought.

All of the girls snickered when Clarrisa replaced Teresa's position. Teresa just wanted to stick a sock in their mouths to keep them from talking.

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