Chapter 22

369 26 23

Tyson POV
((It's still Friday))



"Tyson, you! Get up!" Someone called for me.

I parted my eyes open to find Teresa, her face annoyed, and she held a blanket in her hand. I instantly sat up, looking around the room and there was an empty space where Max had slept.

She had yanked the covers off me so that's why I was so cold. "Why do you do this every morning, Teresa?" I questioned sleepily.

"Look at you." She looked at me with pity. "It's bright and early. What happened to you last night when you said you knew how to get us out of here?" She challenged.

"Oh. That time.." I laughed half-heartedly. "Well, you know that was true. I do have a plan." I grinned at her. I chuckled softly, reminding myself what I had done to Teresa to scare her. We managed to get cleaned up from all the blood by sneaking to the bathroom and almost waking up a guard dog who slept by the restroom doors.

She shook her head, running her hands through her hair. "Well I don't want to stand here waiting all day.." She said sarcastically.

Megan's small figure came running toward Teresa and she hugged her legs protectively. "Hi Teresa!" She smiled.

Teresa smiled happily, and hugged Megan tightly. "Did you sleep well?" She questioned her as she playfully poked the little blonde's nose.

"Yes!" She chirped.

I blushed as Teresa played the role as 'Mother' these days. She seemed like she would become a great mother someday. Always caring for everyone and never taking no for an answer.

The past few days seemed to have gone quite smoothly. No meetings from Mr. Scout. Occasionally Gabe would come in and strike a conversation with Teresa, but she never seemed interested. I tried avoid him in any way I could.

Gabe once told us about Mr. Scout's plan in which some of us would be taken for organ removals since they decided they couldn't arrange operations for all of us. The rest would be dealt with later.

Francine, on the other hand, decided to stay out of our way. Ever since the encounter in which she spoke about her childhood and how she was connected with Devin Albrecht, she never set eyes on us.

Max came in, happier than ever. He carried a bowl of noddles in his hand along with a bottle of mustard. He skipped over to us and smiled. "Good morning!" He beamed.

I scoffed. "What's up with you today?" I asked him.

Max rolled his eyes. "Of course you should know! I finally found some mustard to eat with my noodles. Every since we got here, I was worried if I would ever savor the taste of mustard again!" He pretended to wipe a tear out of his eye.

He opened the lid of the mustard and spread a lot of the yellow substance onto his bowl of noodles.

My face cringed at his food. He caught my face and looked at me like a criminal. "Mustard is awesome! Especially with noodles. Here taste some!" He pushed a forkful of noodles in my mouth.

I nearly choked on the food. As I swallowed a noodle, the smell of it stung my nose. I quickly stood up and ran to the closest trash can and spit the rest out. "Man that's disgusting, Max." The aftertaste was even worse.

Max shrugged. "It's not that bad, you have to admit at least that much."

I shook my head. "It tastes like dirt, Max."

A grinned crept on Max's face. "Really? Noodles with mustard tastes like dirt. Let's test that out." He stood up and grabbed a handful of soil from a nearby flower plant. He brought it to Tyson and handed him some of the soil. "Go on. Taste it. Does mustard with noodles really taste like dirt?"

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