Chapter 17

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Hello my fellow readers! I've gotten lots of comments telling me to do more POV's! So....

Tyson's POV (Enjoy!)

"How are we going to get out of here?!" I raised my hands up in the air. We were sitting in a completely bare room, with walls colored red. Too bad we got kicked out of the room that had the filing cabinet so we couldn't get any more info. And I was the one who found us that room!

"Uh..I got nothing..." Max sighed.

I laid down on my stomach and turned to Teresa for help. She seemed smart.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"I think I got something that might get us out of here." She smirked.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked with utmost eagerness.

"Remember the meeting from yesterday?" She asked me with wide eyes.

I propped myself on one elbow, thinking about what had happened yesterday at the so called 'meeting' with the so called 'special guest'. I scoffed lightly. The guy was an overgrown potato that's peeled and wears glasses. Well...maybe.

But anyways, the old man told us that he'll be giving us an exact date on when our organ removals will take place, which will be around next week. And he seemed to be occasionally arguing with the blind Mr. Scout. Mr. Scout kept on telling the old man that it wasn't his intention to do the organ removals. I didn't quite understand it.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"About the dates of our organ removals. We need to think of an escape plan ahead of time." Teresa addressed.

"So, what's your plan?" I questioned.

Max raised his hand up for a moment, then put it down. "I think we should just make a run for it." He seemed confident of his idea.

"Why would we do that? You know there's security and guards everywhere." I reminded him. This dude is trying to kill us!

"You have a better idea?" He challenged smirking.

"Guys..." Teresa said, warning us. "Don't start arguing like last time.." She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

I didn't stop the arguing. "You bet I do! And it isn't lame like your idea!" I really don't have any idea of how we're going to get out of this creepy old place, but this kid is really getting on my nerves. Yeah we're friends, but there's times where we don't agree and it has to be solved somehow.

"Hey Max! Wanna beyblade?" I asked the blond-headed boy.

"You bet! And you better start taking some notes my friend because I'm going to wipe the floor with you!" He challenged me. I scoffed lightly. No one challenges the champ!

"We're soon gonna see who's going to wipe the floor with who.." I smirked and stood up, dusting myself off.

Max got up and stretched. His hand went behind him and he slipped out his launcher and beyblade like some pro.

I fixed my cap and grabbed my beyblade from my arm container. My hands went to my launcher container and I slipped out my new launcher.

I turned to Teresa. "Hey Teresa! Do you mind counting down for us?" I asked.

"You know that if you beyblade here, you're going to tear this place down...oh whatever." She sighed and got up, walking towards us. We didn't have a beyblade stadium so we'll have to play until the last beyblade is left standing. Or to be exact...spinning.

"Three!" Teresa shouted. I put my beyblade on my launcher, ready to launch. Max glared at me and did the same. I stared him down.


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