Chapter 30

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Hey Guys! This is my last chapter! From my last chapter I posted a question and lovely_sakiya answered the question correctly so she got a dedication for this chapter. Congratulations lovely_sakiya!

I took a deep breath and braced myself once there was a rap at the door. I laid in a bed in a resting room, dressed in a hospital gown, waiting for the operation.

The door creaked open. "Mr. Granger.." The voice sounded distant.

"Yeah..?" My response came out a bit shaky.

A nurse stepped into the room. She was a brunette and attained the nurse uniform. "The tools needed for the operation are getting set up at this moment. You're going to have to wait for a while alright." She informed.

"What tools?" I questioned.

She carried a clipboard in her arms and she put it up against her chest, her arms wrapping around it. "After the operation is completed, the heart has to be put in a box that will keep the heart beating in the duration of transplanting the heart from one body into another."

I nodded as I attempted to sustain myself. As soon as the nurse turned on her heel to leave, I called after her. "Wait.." I searched for the right words. "When can I see my wife?"

She turned back around and raised her head as if expecting the question. "You'll get to see her right before the operation begins. She's currently in the surgery waiting room right now." She smiled.

Not long after, I was alone in the heavy silence. As of now, I was in Pre-Occupation. I was informed that it'll at least take two hours to set the operation up and I had already been in the room for an hour. I sighed as I turned my head to my side.

Waiting. It could be counted as the hardest things to do in life. Especially waiting for your heart to be taken right out of your body.

"Bram.." His name escaped my lips. "This is it. I'm doing this for you..." I whispered.

My eyes felt heavy and that was the last memory I had before I drifted to sleep.
Teresa POV

"What's the surprise..?" Max asked eagerly as he skipped over to Mr. Granger's side. We jumped out of the crowded car and walked toward the entrance of the Riverbed Hospital.

"You'll see once we get there." Mr. Granger promised. Max grunted which made Kai let out a scoff.

"It's nothing that important.." He commented as he glanced over at Max.

The heavy rain that had just past turned into occasional cycles of  drizzling rain. The sky cleared up once again and small streaks of sunlight fought to poke through the clouds. I breathed in the smell of fresh air when suddenly, the precious moment got destroyed.

Tyson nudged me on the arm. "What happened between you and Kai back there?" He teased as a smirk crept on his face.

I rolled my eyes, the scene replaying in my head, and pushed Tyson away. "Nothing did, Tyson..." I trailed off.

"Yeah sure." He replied sarcastically which led to me slipping his cap off his head. He didn't attempt in trying to get his cap back.

Suddenly Megan tapped Marina shoulder. "You're it! Remember how you said you wanted to be the tagger." Megan giggled as she ran from the little brunette. Marina seemed to be lost for a moment but she quickly caught on and ran after Megan.

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