Chapter 28

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Tyson's Father POV

I exited the ER Unit room after the visit with Teresa's family, leaving Max's father to stay with the family while we got things settled.

We turned a corner, wanting to take the elevator to the first floor. I glanced at my watch once more. "What time was the appointment again?" I rushed and looked over my shoulder.

Kai left my side and wandered off to a room to the right with its door slightly opened. His head peaked through the door. "Kai.." I came by his side. "What is it?" I asked puzzled.

He pointed to the name that hung above the door which read Harold Wilkins. "This must be his office. But he isn't in here because he's probably at the meeting we scheduled." He pushed the door more open and stepped inside. I stepped inside as well and shut the door behind me.

Papers everywhere. A circular table and an office chair accompanied most of the office. "He must be really busy.." I commented as I looked at the endless amount of papers and files piled on his desk.

Kai scoffed. "Yeah. Really busy on stealing people's organs.." He joked as he shuffled through the papers on the desk. Yet I knew that somewhere inside of him, he was fed up. As was I.

It seemed like we were just jumping to conclusions while knowing a little about the guy. Probably Harold had nothing to do with the kidnapping, but we had to make sure.

I walked over to a cabinet drawer, placed my hand on the handle of the top drawer, and tried to pull it open.

Locked. I tried once more to make sure that it was locked, and that is wasn't just a rusting cabinet that needed a hard pull. Yet, it didn't budge.

"Look at this.." Kai spoke as his eyes laid on a picture on the desk. He grabbed the picture and held it up for me to see.

The picture was taken as a girl ran into her father's arms, her face expressed joy and love. Her father, a young man, had his arms opened wide as if waiting to embrace his little daughter. The picture's background wasn't that good but it was visible to see that the two were at a park.

"His little girl..she looked like she enjoyed life with her father.." Those words escaped my lips. Kai nodded in agreement.

Kai handed me the picture. I put it in my pocket and exchanged glances with him. "Let's go.." I whispered. Kai gave a nod, slowly turned the door knob and opened the door slightly to check if there had been anyone in the hallway. Once the coast was clear, we slipped through the door and pretended as if nothing happened.

We came out of the building and made a run for the car. I jogged over to the driver's side of the car, got in, and fastened my seatbelt. "I wanna make sure we get there on time.." I urged as hands gripped the steering. I put the car in reverse and backed out of the parking. "We wasted a lot of time in the hospital."Putting the car into drive, we left the hospital and were soon on the road.

Even though it was early in the morning and the sun was out, there appeared to be some dark clouds. "It's gonna rain.."  I said as I peered out the window.

Kai gave a shrug as he turned to look out the window. "It doesn't really matter. It's not like any of this is going to change if it rains." He argued.

I frowned. "Kai, come on. It's no time to sulk." I gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder while keeping one hand on the wheel. Kai shook my hand off his shoulder, continuing to look straight through the window. I gave a sigh of defeat as I returned both hands on the wheel.

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