Chapter 21

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Hello my fellow readers! I just wanted to thank you for all the votes, comments, and reads. It makes me happy that some people enjoy this book and I will continue this book for you guys until the very end, hopefully, unless something gets in the way.

The pic to the side is the Bladebreakers! They're so adorable, right?
Comment 'Yes!' if you agree!!


Early in the morning, with signs and the scent of heavy rains the night before, a ray of sunlight lit the room. Small birds sat on the windowsill and pecked at the window. The world seemed perfect and safe enough, you could even say.

I woke up, squinting my eyes at the sun. Morning. Another day that Tyson and Teresa were gone. Another day we'd have to search and hope for their return. I sighed and turned myself around in bed, my face in the pillow.

With the clouds refusing to block the sun, I groaned and crawled out of bed.

I didn't bother going to school for the past few days. I mean, if two of my friends were kidnapped, why would I waste my time with school? The schools in Japan were way better than here. This school doesn't have a good education system.

I've been staying over at Tyson's father's house since he offered me to stay with him. I didn't refuse because of the fact that I really don't enjoy staying at home all by myself. I didn't bother asking him his name either. I guess he feels comfortable with me calling him "Sir" all the time. He also lent a spare bedroom for me to sleep in.

I past by what was supposed to be Tyson's room and sighed, running my hand through my hair. When will they be found? I might have sounded all brave when I promised I would find Tyson and Teresa, but it wouldn't mean anything if they weren't found. It'd just be words with no meaning. A failure I'd become if I didn't fulfill the promise.

I gritted my teeth, my hands clenched in a fist. Someone had to be behind all this.

Someone had to be pulling the strings. Not from where they were keeping Tyson and Teresa. They had to of been blending in with everyone somehow. That way, with someone behind the scenes, directing people to do the kidnapping, it would be a genius plan of escape.

I figured Tyson's father was still asleep so I quietly got in the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I took a nice warm shower, brushed my teeth, and came out.

Going downstairs and into the kitchen to make some tea, I took out the kettle and filled it with water halfway. Putting it on the stove to boil, I decided to watch the news. Maybe something would come up about the kidnapping.

I grabbed the remote in the living room and switched to the news channel. The Anchorman, a short, small framed man came to the camera.

He spoke about the raised prices in oil and the upcoming presidential elections. "And up next, after the break, the kidnapping that occurred in the city of Memphis last week has decided to leek out some information on where the kids are kept." He said firmly and smiled.

The commercial advertising the new Toyota Corolla 2014 came up as the car went through the rocky roads near a mountain. I kept the TV on, waiting for the news about the kidnapping.

I ran back into the kitchen, my focus turned back to the kettle, steaming hot. Pouring sugar in the kettle, I grabbed some tea bags and put them in as well. The liquid changed color pretty quickly, and I switched the stove off, pouring myself a cup of tea.

Lifting the cup to my lips, I took a sip of the sweet liquid that quenched my thirst.

Mr. Granger came down the stairs, a hint of tiredness could be seen on his face. He entered the kitchen, a surprised look at the sight of me. "You woke up before me this time.." He smiled weakly and I nodded. On school days, I usually didn't have time to catch up on my sleep. The weekend was basically the only time to get rest. But now because I've taken a break from school, it's been different and I get up earlier than usual.

"So.." He paused to look at me. "Another day.." He sighed, and I nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. He filled himself a cup of tea.

"There's some new information about the kidnapping that's coming on the news shortly.." I told him.

"That's good news." He sounded somewhat relieved but still troubled. "But, the police should have told me about this sooner.." He stood up quickly and went to the TV just as soon as commercials ended.

The same Anchorman appeared and the headlines read, Location of Kidnapping Revealed?

"Yes, this might be true." The anchorman informed. "The location of where the three teenagers and three children were kidnapped might have been revealed. An Organization called Organ Removals haunted many in the early years of the 1950's and it seems that they have returned. Their goal, well, to take the organs of young, healthy kids. An email was sent from one of the members of the organization. This member stated that he or she did not wish to do any harm in taking the organs. A 'misunderstanding' this person wrote, apologizing for causing such a terror to the people of the city."

"This member refused to give anymore information about the kidnapping. The location hasn't been specified yet. But an interesting young boy managed to figure out where the children were kidnapped. After the description of the boy had been recorded from his parent, this member also concluded that the same young boy is being kept in the same place as the kids. The boy's parent isn't sure of how his son managed to find the place. But he does know that one of his son's friends has been kidnapped along with the other kids. A girl named Teresa Granger."

Mr. Granger looked lost in thought. Probably wondering why Tyson left. You didn't have to think to know the answer. It's Simple. He cares for Teresa.

But how did he find Teresa?

"This email has no location from where the sender is but the police are searching it, hopefully to find some answers." The man explained, his hands folded and placed on his desk.

"Next up, the question arises. Should kids have shorter school days?According to studies-" I shut off the TV and the room went silent.

Mr. Granger left to his room and returned with papers clutched in his hand. A card was included in the pile.

"Hurry up. We need to go to the police station now." He said hurriedly. I nodded.

"Perhaps I could be of some help in this." I started. "I have had something in mind and might be helpful when finding the kidnapper." I addressed.

Mr. Granger put on his jacket. "Well, there's no need for you to be standing around here. You know Tyson well since you're friends." He approved.

I got dressed as quickly as I could and made my way to the front door, with Mr. Granger patiently waiting.

"Ready.." I told him.

He opened the door and the wind rushed in. I gripped tightly on my jacket and slipped my hands in my pocket as I stepped outside into the early October wind. The leaves danced around in circles, the wind picking them up and sending them off in different directions. Some leaves hung loosely onto their branches as they changed into the different shades of red, orange, and brown.

We got into Mr. Granger's car and he started the engine. Soon enough we made it to our destination. The police station seemed like a common place to go to since I've been there countless times with Mr. Granger.

I had a lot on my mind. A lot that I had to think about. The reason for Tyson leaving. The reason Teresa was kidnapped. It was like solving a jig puzzle, except all the pieces weren't filled in. Some pieces were gone missing.

Eager to find the last pieces of the puzzle, you had to look in the most uncommon places. Suspect the people unlikely to be doing the mischief, and maybe you'll find the pieces.




Stay Beautiful

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