Chapter 26

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Tyson POV

"Come on, this time, it's for real." I urged as I dragged the resistant Max on the ground in attempt to wake him up. I dragged him about 4 inches from his original area when he awoke with an annoyed face.

"You didn't have to do that.." He gritted his teeth and got on his feet.

I gave a shrug. "I thought that was the only way you would wake up.." I reasoned. I received 'the eye' from Max but I decided I wouldn't let that bother me.

I sighed as I wiped a bead of sweat off my forehead. The sun was nearly at its peak.

I heard laughter and looked over. Teresa, Marina, and Megan had been playing a game of tag, with Teresa chasing them around. Gabe, on the other hand, sat in the shade of a tree, staring straight ahead.

"Guys.." I called. "Come here, I gotta tell you guys something.."

Megan ran toward my direction and hid behind me, her hands wrapped around my legs. "Hey..I-" I attempted to get her off but couldn't complete my sentence.

"Tyson is base! You can't touch me!" She held on to my legs as Teresa gritted her teeth playfully and roared at her.

Suddenly Marina came behind Teresa laughing," I wanna be the tagger now!" She pounced on her causing Teresa to lose her balance and fall to the ground.

Teresa giggled as soon as she regained balance. "Alright, but maybe later." She told Marina.

"You wanted to tell us something..?" A voice behind me spoke gravely. I spun around and realized the voice belonged to Gabe. I still hadn't gotten used to him.

"Yeah, what is it?" Teresa asked as she stood up, dusting herself off.

I put my hand on the back of my neck. "Well, last night I had a dream.." I stated. 

Max glanced over at me. "That was a pretty good voiceover of Martin Luther King." He complimented. "I had a dream..."

I quickly did a face palm. I didn't understand where Max got that from. "Maybe I should've paid more attention in history class because I was kind of confused about what you just said.." I confessed. Max had a 'I knew it' look on his face.

Everyone else sat there staring at the two of us. I cleared my throat and managed to change the subject. "Anyways, It was a full dream. Strange too.."

Teresa shrugged. "I don't think your dream can get any stranger than what we've gone through so far." She commented.

"Yeah, maybe.." I mused.

"Was it your mother again?" Teresa asked.

I nodded as I started pacing back and forth, thinking back to the dream.

The scenery, birds flying overhead, the brick house, the wind..

"She told me something..."

"Yeah, find out the truth." Teresa chimed in.

"But it was so much more than that." I stopped pacing for a moment. "To find the truth about her death. Why she died? You see?" I attempted to explain.

Max gave a nod. "Yeah, I guess. Hey, but did you get to see her, I mean you never saw your mother in real life, right?" He asked curiously.

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