Chapter 6

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Sorry for the last chapter being short and confusing. I'm just telling you ahead of time that whatever happens in this chapter is still on the same day, just to keep u on check! Comment, Follow, & Vote! Luv u all ;-)

Teresa was chilling on a Saturday Morning at the café near her house with Bram. She was just tapping away on her phone. She decided to send a text to Tyson, asking him what they should do today.

Teresa: What do u want to do today?

No reply

After 10 minutes,

Tyson: Don't feel like doing anything. Can I come over to your house, gotta tell you something important.

Teresa: Okay, see u there.

Bram was standing over Teresa the whole time she was texting Tyson. He smirked at Teresa and said, "You've been talking to Tyson and lot these days. Are you know?"

"Stop it!" Teresa yelled and playfully slapped Bram on the back.

As Teresa was on her phone, notifying her parents that they were coming home soon, she bumped into someone. When she regained her balance, she took a glance at the person she bumped into. It was a young boy, probably around her age. He was a blonde you could tell because of the blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Sorry", he apologized.

"It's alright."

That boy looked familiar to Teresa but she just couldn't put her finger on it.

The boy noticed Teresa staring at him, so he decided to introduce himself.

"Hi, My name is Max Tate. I just came here last night. I'm just staying here for a week visiting and touring this place", he said as he took out his hand.

Teresa shook his hand and replied, "Teresa Granger. I've been raised here in Tennessee."

"Granger?", he asked.


"I know someone by the same last name." he exclaimed.

"Really?" Teresa asked but probably knew who it was.

"Yeah, his name is-", he was cut off by the sudden rumbling and shaking of the café. Teresa thought it must have been an earthquake, because it was common for earthquakes to happen in this time of year.

Teresa shielded Bram to protect him from the falling debris of the building. There were people screaming and running around.

Max was wide-eyed and looked afraid. Teresa felt sorry him because on his visit here, he was already having a bad experience. He was getting ready to run off but Teresa warned him.

"Stay here!, Teresa commanded him.

If you just stay in one place, it will be more safer."

Max didn't listen and was running to the exit of the café when something made him stop in his tracks.

Three strong wrestlers......well that's what Teresa thought they were. They were so huge and they were blocking the doors so no one could escape.

All the rumbling and falling debris suddenly stopped. Everyone was quiet and looked stunned. It was silent for a short period of time until one of the huge men broke the silence by holding up a explosive bomb.

Just then Teresa noticed it wasn't an earthquake that was shaking their town, rather it was an explosion created by the three men in the café.

"It won't take long if we just get what we want." the man shouted.

" you want sir?" a cashier of the café asked afraid.

"We want young and healthy teenagers and some children as well." he was licking his lips while he said that.

What a jerk!

"Why do you want young children sir?"

"Don't need to know! If you don't give up some children, I'd be happy to take some", the man smirked on the last part.

Everyone just stood still, not knowing what to do. Little children were terrified.

The other two just started taking some little kids from their mothers. That's when the screaming of mothers erupted.

Max backed away from the men, but they were too fast for him and one man grabbed Max by his shirt collar, put his arm around his neck, and threatened to choke him. They were holding him hostage.

Max tried so hard to get away from the man, but was unsuccessful. Every time Max would try to escape, the man would tighten his grip on Max's neck.

Teresa felt sorry for him and wanted to do something about it.

"Let him go now", Teresa said in a steady voice.

"Oh, so you want to help your friend. Sorry miss but if you want to see your friend alive, you'll have to come with us", the man grinned.

Teresa probably knew this wasn't a good idea, but she took chances and walked forward to the men. When Teresa got there, the man let go of readfaced Max and he fell down. She helped him back up. Teresa wanted to get Newbie Max out of harm. But little did she know.......

"Teresa Granger , where do you think you're going?!", Bram shouted.

Since when did Bram act like he was in charge of me!

"Sorry Bram........but I have to go", she said trying to stop herself from stuttering.

Bram was confused at what Teresa was doing so he went after her.

"Bram, go back home. I don't want you to get hurt! Teresa said.

"But Teresa..........why?!" Bram asked at the edge of tears.

Teresa didn't respond and joined the men. Just before they left, one of the huge guys threw one last explosive bomb in the café on his way out.

Teresa heard screaming. Then she remembered that Bram was still in the café!

"Bram!", Teresa yelled trying to go back inside the café. But the building was already falling apart, so she couldn't get in.

Teresa didn't get a goodbye from Bram.

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