Chapter 11

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Tyson pushed opened the doors of the police station and stepped into the sunset as the light of day was fading away. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he put his hands in his pocket and checked the time on his phone.

"8 o'clock! That means that I haven't eaten anything since ten in the morning! I better get something to eat." Tyson whined.

Tyson searched for any open restaurant or café. After twenty minutes going corner to corner, street to street, he gave up on the search.

Leaning on a wall, Tyson wondered why he was having bad luck. Suddenly something clicked in his head. He shouldn't be worried about his hunger. Instead he needs to search for Teresa.

But then something was bothering him. Why did I hear Max's voice talking about organ removal in my dream, Tyson thought.

Maybe because Max was also kidnapped with Teresa! And the people who kidnapped them must have wanted their organs. Thats the reason for Max's attitude towards them. Also they were imprisoned in an old building in the middle of the woods.

Putting all the pieces together from his dream, Tyson ran as fast as he could through the empty roads to get to the woods.

He ignored his hunger.

He ignored the fact that it would take a long time to get to his location.

He ignored his ongoing guilt for the death of his mother.

He ignored his bad luck.

Running fast, Tyson looked like a runaway. Finally after what seemed like an hour through the empty roads, Tyson came to the opening of the woods.

It was now completely dark out and Tyson was having trouble seeing his path. He decided to put on the flashlight on his phone. That helped him a little better but he sometimes stumbled on a few twigs and tree roots.

After getting creeped out and a few scratches on his leg, Tyson came upon the exact location he was heading for. Feeling satisfied, Tyson ran for the building. He flew open the door and crept inside.

This place was exactly like how he imagined it in his dream. Narrow long hallways. Tyson searched and listened for any sign of people.

That's when he saw an open crack of a door. He slid it all the way open. To his surprise, no one was in there. Tyson went inside, flipped on the light, and looked around the room.

The room was bare except for a gray filing cabinet at the far corner of the room.

Suddenly Tyson heard a door open nearby and men talking. Tyson froze for a moment, not knowing what to do. The footsteps were getting closer and Tyson had nowhere to hide in this bare room. He decided to hide behind the only object in the room. The filing cabinet. Tyson hid behind it and he found out that whoever would come in the room would not see him because of the position of the cabinet.

One if the men found the light on in the room that Tyson accompanied. Going inside the room, he made sure that no one was in there. The man looked right and left and finally turned off the light and shut the door.

Tyson was left in the darkness. He decide to wait because he thought someone would come in eventually. After ten minutes of waiting, Tyson could not wait any longer. He put on his flashlight and looked around for another door he could escape from.

At the far back of the room, Tyson saw a wooden door. He hoped the door wouldn't be locked. To his surprise, it was unlocked. He turned off his flashlight just in case someone was to find him.

Tyson slipped inside another dark room. Something caught on his foot and Tyson tripped.

"Owww!" Tyson yelped in pain and tried to stand up.

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