Chapter 25

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(Bram and Teresa's Father)

"Are you sure?" My wife questioned me, looking helpless. "This boy Bram was talking about that was kidnapped with Teresa, it seems like they knew him before the attack occurred."

I sighed, confused about the situation. "Yeah, and he said the kid's name was Max. A blond boy that must be around Teresa's age since the news reported that another teenager was kidnapped along with Teresa. Also it was said that the kid was on a visit here for some reason." I shrugged as I offered some of my reasoning.

I spotted Jenn shaking her head in disbelief as she thought of something. Moments later, she decided to say what was on her mind. "What if the kid's parents aren't even aware of his disappearance? But that would be crazy.." She concluded, heartbroken as she cupped her face in her hands.

"That's nonsense..." I shook my head. "I mean there could be a possibility but let's not think of it that way."

The doctor who came right before Bram had been unconscious, came toward us.

"Doctor.." I croaked as I hurried to stand up. "Will my son be okay?"

Jenn, who had managed to collect herself up, came beside me. As for the doctor, he gave a heavy sigh.

"Well, the heart that we've recently replaced with your son's original heart didn't seem to be working well along with his body. I'm afraid we have to wait for a while for his next transplant since we are short on donations. Although, if we wait too long, we won't have much to do for your son."

"We can't offer the waiting, Doctor. I don't want to lose my son while sitting back and doing nothing." Jenn spoke.

"I don't see any other option..except the risky ones.." The doctor explained timidly.

"I'll donate.." I whimpered softly. "If Bram needs a heart, who am I just to stand back and not offer..."

Jenn gasped and grabbed my elbow. "You know what kind of danger you're putting yourself into, right?"

"So what if I die?" I shrugged. At least I will die in the honor of my son..Bram has a whole life filled with achievements ahead of him." I tried to explain even though it wasn't a well thought decision.

"Sir, I know this might be a difficult situation for you, but you can't risk your life. Your son-"

"Enough! I've made my decision, alright...Give me the paperwork.."

The doctor gave an exasperated sigh. "We'll have to do some blood examinations and other tests on you first to make sure that it'll be safe for you to donate. It seems risky though as it may be harmful for a relative of a patient to give one of their organs."

"Ted.." Jenn shook me and I gave no reaction. "How could you! You're just going to leave me too..."

I zoned Jenn out for a moment and moved my attention to the doctor. "Please doctor, set up the examinations now.." I said. He gave me a long look and left without giving a response. I figured he was still unsure of what to do.

As for Jenn, she kept on yelling at me. I turned around and held her arms. Her face was smothered by tears, her expression showed fear. "First Teresa gets kidnapped, then Bram is lifeless on the hospital bed, and now you want to throw your life away and abandon me!" She screamed.

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