Fever Pt 2 (M)

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I know i was supposed to release this yesterday and im sorry that I didn't but my phone was being a little bitch making it was hard for me to update so enjoy loves

I purple you guys 💜

Words: 1546

P.s I lazily edited this so sorry if there's errors I'm not really feeling too good


Along the way they grew closer having too many things in common it was almost as if they were made for one another yet what they felt wasn't right at all,

Wrong in many ways and them being alone most of time wasn't much better

"Mr taehyung?" Jungkook called out for him it was very late and eui was still at her nursing job as she took the over night shift so he vowed to keep the man in good health

"Mr taehyung what would you like for dinner?" He asked once more not getting as response

Where was he?

He then walked into the kitchen the screen door was wide open and there laid taehyung onto the wet grass staring at the dampening skies at it drizzled not yet raining

"Mr taehyung?" He said barely a whisper unsure if he should ruin his little moment of quiet but that was far from it since he sat up with a smile patting the spot next to him motioning for jungkook to take a seat

Therefore he did loving how the stars were sparkling so beautifully not minding the cool droplets of rain that landed on him once in a while

"Kookie i have a question and i want you to answer it truthfully" he turned to him face serious as ever "there's no wrong answers as well"

Nodding he waits wanting to know what could possibly be on his mind at a peaceful time like this "do you love my eui?"


If a stranger were to ask him that days ago he would say yes in a heartbeat yet now he isn't so sure because when he first laid eyes on the man beside him it made him rethink everything even his feelings

He cant get married to her now can he?

"Of course i love her" he spoke sounding like he was asking a question instead of saying a answer taehyung started to giggle out of control handing him the liquor bottle he was sipping on to make things between them more trusting

"Relax hun i wont get angry with you or anything every human makes mistakes we aren't perfect especially when it comes to loving another and i learned that the hard way"

Looking at the older man you could tell there was pain behind those sorrow filled words which the raven haired boy didn't like it just didn't sit right with him

"Growing up my mother would always say jungkook one day you'll get married and have children then you'll understand what life is really all about but now that i have the chance to grasp that reality i-i feel that i may be a bit discouraged,

Im twenty-two and i still haven't traveled nor have I discovered the things i like or dislike plus there has to be more to life than a shitty job or loveless marriage

So yes hyung i love eui but this whole engagement i felt lost maybe even rushed hell i dont know what do to anymore it's all so frustrating" jungkook practically broke down

How could he admit something like that to her father?!

"i-im so sorry" he frowned hoping that what he said didn't change the air between them yet it did because now taehyung's lips were pressed against his initiating a clumsy kiss, surprised jungkook tried to keep up but he couldn't since this was all too fast to process

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