Assassins Love Pt 2 (M)

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Its not cheeky bum secs but sexy things will be happening

And i edited this lazily so sorry if there's errors

Words: 2688


Today was a normal day for the assassin he sat in his bed thinking of taehyung and how could he see the boy again?

That question has been lingering in his mind ever since the got7 party

His lips were his new drug he needed to feel them again yet taehyung was his remedy for being lovesick

How could he let this happen again?

How could he let another person break down his walls?

What is happening?

Was he becoming soft again?

Was he not the same old crazy jungkook anymore?

Many questions ran through his mind

He was confused was it love or obsession?

Jungkook doesn't remember what genuine love feels like well ever since his parents died his whole life changed

He was put into an orphanage then sold into the black market to really bad people

They would beat him, scare him, and train him to become the crazy killing machine he was today

He even remembers the time he got whipped because he took up for another child her name was Lee Jieun the first person he ever loved again after his parents

She was beautiful with long brown curly hair, a glowing smile that made jungkook forget he was living in a hell hole, and her voice was like angels singing

She would sing jungkook to sleep at nights when he would have nightmares or cry about his parents

She was his first love but it was forbidden jieun wanted to leave the place with jungkook and start a family

They could live happily together kookie would protect her from any and everyone

So on a rainy night that's when the plan was going to take action

But jungkook was scared he didn't want to leave that would put his family in danger they would come after them to kill him, jieun and, their kids for life

The storm was horrendous a perfect escape for them to get away she went towards his pallet waking him up shaking him lightly

He woke up and looked at her in a confused way not knowing what was going to happen

"Come on the rain is terrible if we climb the wall and run now we could get away"

They both ran to the wall this plan was a bad idea he can't leave if he did this his life would be more hell than it already was so once they reached the wall he stopped her

"Ji we can't you know what would happen and i don't want that type of life for us lets go back please" jieun smiled at him not changing her mind a bit

"It's okay jungkook I'll be back for you and when i do we could live together and love each other forever just like we promised" they both began to cry

Jieun kissed him one last time and climbed over the wall while jungkook went back to his room praying that she would make it

The next morning things changed their master found out she was gone it took them three days to find and catch her

She was whipped badly, her feet bruised from running through the forest without shoes

Jieun was weak sitting on the ground trying to catch her breath and jungkook had to hold back his tears of anger

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