Rivals In Love (?)

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I honestly dont know what to label this lol i mean its not sad nor fluffy (yet) but more like drama filled anyway there won't be any smut maybe in the future but I won't include whose top or bottom sorry however if that bothers you then just skip (i know that I haven't been writing any sexy scenes lately but i swear there will be some soon)

P.s Some of you probably read this before but i changed it up and made the ship taekook instead also I've been thinking i don't know if I'll make a book four since well i feel like the series should stop at three but we'll see I'll let you guys know when this book ends

I purple you guys 💜

Words: 2845


Ugh i hate him!

I hate how charming he is than me and how everyone likes him the most

I hate that he's more smarter than me and gets better grades

Most of all i hate that i have this funny feeling in my heart whenever i see his bunny smile or that his laugh is cute but squeaky

That I've falling in love with a man i use to call my rival

Jeon Jungkook

It wasn't supposed to be like this we were supposed to hate each other forever and make each other lives miserable till the day we die but my stupid heart fell for his charms

Maybe i should start from the top just so you could know exactly what happened between us

Here goes nothing


Mondays i always hated them especially since i have to get up so early for school i mean i get to see my friends but the one thing that makes my high school years a living hell is jeon jungkook

He always does something to ruin my day

Everything he does literally pisses me off but we weren't like this before we used to be good friends back in elementary school yet in middle school he changed

He met new people so did i then we drifted apart

When high school started on the first day he acted like he didn't know me and everybody laughed i was so embarrassed

That's one big reason why i hate his guts

He's perfect at everything that he does there's not a thing he can't do and well me im the definition of imperfect

That just fuels my hate for him even more

"Tae what's wrong now you look pissed again" my good friend jimin said

He's the pretty boy of the group that gets what he wants everyone loves him sometimes they'll do anything to get close to him just not yoongi the boy he really wants

Yoongs is cold and quiet he barely even smiles but surprisingly he's best friends with jungkook  

"Is it a about that pretty boy again seriously im starting to think you have a crush on him" jin said while rolling his eyes he's the mom of our little group he's also very protective

"You know you two would be cute together but you always fight all the time" jimin butted in sucking on his strawberries seductively teasing some boys across from our table

That was a normal thing he did during lunch

"Hmmm tae tae do you like jungkook?" Jin smirked at me and of course i gagged at those foul words

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