Crazy In Love Pt 4 (M)

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This may be a bit short because theres one more part to end this so enjoy until i update again💜

P.s there might be a couple errors in this that i probably didn't catch but i did reread this like a hundred times to make sure yet i always miss the most smallest things plus i did write this a little fast so please don't mind them if there is

Words: 1096

Top: Taehyung

Bottom: Jungkook


My mind was going crazy as he pushed himself into me never would i ever think i would be arching my back begging for more from a ruthless criminal

But here i was

"H-harder please" i cried out looking back at him somewhat captivated by the face taehyung was making his hand reached up to my neck wrapping his long fingers around it squeezing down lightly

Fuck at this rate i was going to be his bitch

"Keep begging im still convinced that you don't need to cum" he harshly whispered into my ear making my heart race

Deep down i wanted to hate this but I couldn't when my body enjoyed it so much

"P-please hurt me!" i reached back for his hand yet he grabbed both of mines holding them in place as he plunged into me chuckling darkly at my voice getting higher

I was a sweaty mess yet he didn't show any signs of being affected like i am and it was starting to piss me off

"Hurt you huh? i like that but baby that's not enough daddy isn't satisfied" i was drooling at this point losing my mind as he drove into me deeply time from time i would cry out for him to let me cum but he wouldn't

I hated myself because a part of me didn't want this to end if anything i wanted to beg for more until I couldn't speak anymore

"d-dadd-" i try to breathe out but his big hand came slamming down onto my right ass cheek turning me on more than I already was

"Be a good boy and say it with your chest" after that was said i came onto the bed crying out his name in pure ecstasy he grinned like a maniac pushing my back down much further as my stomach and face was buried into the mattress

I despised myself embarrassed at the fact that i craved this

That i desired for him to let it out in the deepest part of my body until I overflowed with nothing but him

That i needed to scream his name yet not to beg for him to stop if anything i would scream for him to damage me even more than I already was

To break what's left of me

Then he does calling me filthy names as he softly kisses my ear coming undone and i swear i didn't want to admit that it felt so good

So euphoric

"I didn't kill her by the way i would never harm a pregnant woman yet that wasn't the case when it came to your wife jungkook" laying there almost out of breath i process those words

Wait so i really let him have his way with me for fucking nothing?!

Getting angry i go to grab one of the belts to choke him yet he chuckles lighting a cigarette taking countless of puffs before putting it out "I wouldn't do that if i were you i mean i still haven't gave you all the information yet and you already want to kill me typical detective" turning towards me he smiles the type of smiles that makes your skin crawl off your flesh

However behind that smile was a pain that i would never know "you want to know why you out of all people a rookie was able to get on my trail without me putting a bullet in you which is pretty easy by the way i know where you live, hell i know pretty much everything about you"

"Its because i did all the work!" I snapped at him shivering when his ice cold finger tips playfully tilted my chin

"No its because your boss use to work for me and he's scared that if any of that information gets out he'll go down years ago he killed your wife in a job I didn't order him to do just to get back at me and my family then he hired you as back up to eventually frame you for his petty crimes"

"N-no minho would never do that" i teared up this was insane why would anybody do something so fucked up like that

My life, my job, everything was literally all a lie

"Yes, he took you off my case because he knew you were close to finding the truth, minho knew that i wouldn't lay a finger on you because i'm fond of you and want you for myself so while you stayed in the hospital like a sitting duck everything would fall into action but i took you away from that" he got closer caressing my face "i saved you and now i want to give you the opportunity to take back from the horrible things that happened to you jungkook"

Standing up off the bed you could tell what tae was saying is nothing but sincere that he would never lie to me yet why me

Why was i in the middle of all of this

Standing in front of the big mirror i take a look at myself and for the first time in years i couldn't breathe nor think of what to say next

Staring at the bite marks that littered my skin i shudder touching most of them flinching when he comes behind me holding me by my waist "like i said I don't want to hurt you all i want is to help you get what's your whilst i get what's rightfully mine" he whispered onto my neck

I turned around eyes locking on one another's "so please just give into me" he said voice clearly desperate "i swear you won't be disappointed"

The right thing was to do was refuse his words and say they were lies, to end his life right then and there but I couldn't bring myself to do it anymore

Wrapping my arms around his neck i capture his lips with mine sealing a life long deal with him that i never thought i would in a million years

Now i was his

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