Attention (M)

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This is for @Secretlemono2 and for some dumb ass reason my wattpad wont follow them back so can someone please tag her for me

Anyways thank you for giving me good ideas love

I hope you'll like it 💜

I tried my best to make it at least readable

And another thing i know im late but IM SCREAMING bts's comeback brought me to tears im so happy that they came out with new music I've been waiting too long for this

Everyone listen to life goes on and the full album i promise you wont be disappointed

That's all resume



Sexually frustrated wasn't even the word that could describe what i was feeling right now

How could say this?

I was craving for something, no someone and whenever i tried to make my move he'll always be too busy

I should be happy that my husband got a promotion

Im proud no doubt about it

Its just i wanted his attention so badly i didn't care if i sounded desperate just now but i needed it

I wanted him to touch me like he use to, to make me squirm and beg with those skilled fingers of his hell i would do anything just to get him to stare at me

I sometimes thought that maybe he's screwing his secretary like every other man but mrs yang is too old for a scandalous thing like that

Then i start to think what if he doesn't love me anymore?

It is common to fall out of love when your married for longer then two years but that couldn't be the case

I just hoped it wasn't

"How do you get a man to want you?" I blurted out to my friends feeling awkward when their conversation came to a abrupt halt

Jimin of course the most dramatic out of all of us broke down "what?! Is tae cheating kookie?! Wait don't tell me you guys are getting a divorce and you found another man!! THE WORLD IS COMING TO A END!!!"

Jin slapped him on the back of his neck "ok no more coffee for you in the morning and kookie what do you mean want you? Is there something going wrong in your love life"

I sighed "well the fact that my husband is too busy for me and we haven't had sex for a year is the only problem other than that we're still in love I'm just doubting that he wants me anymore"

"Did you just say a year? Jesus child why didn't you say anything sooner i feel so bad for your lonely heart and hole" hoseok butted in patting me on the back

"I mean does he have any kinks? Or do you two just do it the old regular missionary way" jin asked and damn i never thought about changing positions nor kinks

Then the best idea in the world popped up in my cranium

"You guys just gave me a idea!" I got up excitedly "thanks for the advice hyung's I'll tell you how everything went after" i left practically running to my car

Surely the tricks i had up my sleeve were going to have him begging on his knees

I drove to our house doing my hair up all nice before slipping into one of his work shirts posing sexily in front of the mirror sending him all the dirty pictures i took

Seconds later he texted me back surprised at what i did so I kicked it up a notch recording me fuck myself onto the vibrator that was in our closet

Taekook Oneshots Vol 3Where stories live. Discover now